
ruimpranick's page

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It looks like I'm the only one that sees a problem with this, but if this topic is already mentioned in another thread please redirect me.

From what I read about the summoner it seems they have a very complex system for eidolons, they even have some cool stuff like shared HP and actions and all, very creative.

But why? Why not just giving a sumomoner a animal companion? I mean, why creating a whole new rules and another complicated systems if you already have one that works and it's already pretty neat.

I love the witch ideia of giving extra power to your familiar, it would be so much simpler to make the same with summoner here. Give the summoner the animal companion ability then give it extra stuff based on your eidolon origin.

I say this mainly beacuse the thing that most scares my new players is the score/modifier relation, or they brake their heads trying to get it, or they just ignore it and just say what the most experiencied players tell them to do with it, so thinking about that, wouldn't be simpler if this relation just vanished? In the character creation using the choices to determine scores [which is a great idea], the abilities increase 2 by 2, always gives a +1 to a choice made, if you stop to think about it, this conversion is already made: Instead of everything starting on 10 and increasing 2 by 2, everything start with +0 and increasing +1 to +1. About rolling abilities, you could think a new way to do it or just vanishe with it and there it is, no more obsolete scores that in the end mean the modifiers we will roll, just one number that have all those meaning

Just saying that I don't think that scores being different to modifiers is a great flaw to the d20 RPGs, just that simplifying this could be much more friendly and wellcoming to new, and maybe old players