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The PC's having rampaged throughout the first level of the temple killed everything but the chief a few skin walkers and Xerkamat. After all of them experienced near death against the dread wraiths they opted to go back to Sasserine to heal their injuries. While by the time they returned to outside the temple almost two weeks have passed. Khala caved in the hidden entrance in the back to stop them from using that entrance way again and has summoned a retriever to roam the hall ways and mustered up some more skinwalkers. I feel this isn't enough and Khala realizes that the skinwalkers aren't strong enough to defeat the party and the retriever will probably just hinder them. The party also realizes that the water entrance is most likely a trap and plans to avoid it so Xerkamat's ambush is useless and I'll plan to move the symbol of death else where. But spreading too many symbols is useless because a party quickly recognizes to avoid them after encountering one. Any ideas for what Khala can do to bolster the temples defenses on the first floor? We left the party dimension dooring in by the stone doors and all the traps on the first floor have already been set off.

I bought dungeon issue #146 from Borders way back but it never came with the poster map. My players will be off the Isle of Dread soon and I was wondering if anyone could scan a image of the map for me preferably at least 756 x 756. I have been looking everywhere to find the poster but no luck and don't really have the funds to buy the issue again just for the map. This would help me out tremendously.

My players have no access to teleportation spells. Only spell caster is a druid and you can't very well cast transport via plants since theres no trees underground and giant fungi don't count as plants. So I wanna play them through going back up the flooded tunnels and facing some aboleths. But actually getting back out the way they came seems really hard (climbing rock surfaces with tons of water crashing down on you is like a climb check of at least 40. Also they spent awhile to get down the lightless depths I don't want it to be painfully slow getting back out. Any suggestions.

My players seem interested in the citadel after hearing rumors of it being the last bastion of the gods and the building never ages. Anybody else's players went to the citadel or have you got any expanded ideas off of the info they give in TOD?

Well my players through a curve ball at me a few sessions back. We are on TOD and on a trek through the jungle my party randomly encountered some scarlet brotherhood monks. After being decieved into thinking they were lost missionaries the monks attacked the party. Turns out the party defeats the monks but leaves one alive and tells him to bring back word that pirates are coming and and they will take any help they can get including the scarlet brotherhoods. Upon returning to Farshore Lavania infroms them the graveness of the mistake of attempting to make deals with the brotherhood. An example she uses is how the brotherhood defeated the sea princes in a fortnight without even raising an army. A few days before the pirate attack I have the brother hood deliver their response through a horribly mauled corpse of a former PC. In his mouth was stuffed a scarlet letter simply stating that "Your help will arrive on the need day, our emaisary will arrive the day after." And I left it at that for my players to cringe over.
The thing is I know the scarlet brotherhood are masters of one of the most powerful organizations in all of GreyHawk. The battle is next week and I could use some ideas on how to play on this scenario I have set up. On a side note I read the posts about asking aid from the Green Dragon on the island and I don't want to act it out with the brotherhood just destroying one ship and then asking for tribute. I want it to be more stealthy but equally as terrifying :)

I haven't seen any stats for the mightiest commander of Demogorgons horde of demons so I decided to stat him. Enjoy!

Supreme Commander Belcheresk CR 27
Male Advanced Balor Fighter 4
CE Large Outsider (Tanar’ri)
Init +9; Senses Dark Vision 60ft, True Seeing
Speed: 30ft (40ft w/o armor), fly 90ft (good)
AC: 45, touch 16, flat-footed 39
HP: 641 (30 HD) Fast-Healing: 6, DR: 15/cold iron and good, DR 5/-
Immune: electricity, fire, and poison
Resist: acid 10, cold 10; SR 38
Fort +32, Ref +23, Will +23
Melee:* +1 Dancing Vorpal Great Sword +31/+26/+21/+16 (3d6/19-20/x2) and
+1 Flaming Speed Long Sword +37/+37/+32/+27/+22 (2d6+24 plus 1d6 fire/ 17-20/x2) and
+1 Wounding Frost Whip +36/+31 (1d4+15 plus 1d6 cold plus 1 Con plus entangle)
*8-point Power Attack
Space 10ft.; Reach 10ft (20ft with whip)
Base Atk +30; Grp +49
Atk Options: Cleave, Devastating Critical, Great Cleave, Overwhelming Critical, Power Attack
Special Actions: Death Throes, entangle, mighty rage 1/day, spell-like abilities, summon Tanar’ri
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 26th)
At Will-blasphemy (DC 27), dominate monster (DC 29), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, insanity (DC 27), power word Stun, telekinesis (DC 25), unholy aura (DC 28)
3/day-quickened greater dispel magic
1/day-fire storm (DC 28), implosion (DC 29)
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 25, Con 40, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 30
Feats: Cleave, Devastating Critical, Fast Healing (2), Improved Toughness, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical (long sword), Over Whelming Critical, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (greater dispel magic), Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Long Sword
Skills: Bluff +43, Concentration +48, Diplomacy +48, Disguise +20 (+22 acting), Hide +36, Intimidate +45, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (planes) +40, Listen +48, Move Silently +30, Search +30, Sense Motive +42, Spell craft +40, Spot +48, Survival +17, Use Magic Device +41
Possessions: +1 dancing vorpal great sword, +1 flaming speed long sword, +1 wounding frost whip, amulet of health +4, belt of giant strength +4, Hide of The Beast

Feats: Devastating Critical and Overwhelming Critical and Fast Healing can be found in the Draconomican

New Artifact: Hide of the Beast
Created by Demogorgon from the hide of a powerful monstrous beast in the depths of the screaming jungle. It acts as +7 hide armor with a max Dex +8, and armor penality of -1, It also grants the wearer the ability to mighty rage 1/day as a 20th level Barbarian, and also gain DR 5/-.

The campaign has been great build up a plenty. But the last act of STAP seems to me more anti-climatic then anything. The initial setting of WAT DAGON starts out really cool with the Mortal Hunter, Vanthus, St. Kargoth, and Nulonga but when it finally comes time to fight Demogorgon the last fight is only little better than any other normal. First of his entrance a simple old Gate spell *yawn boring* any high lvl character can do that. And the place he swings into a tiny lil room that can barely contain him and nothing very flavorable in it besides the pearl. Next Demogorgon himself can be weakened way too much. Losing lots of hp SR, AC, saves, spel, like abilities and specials. He is hardly even epic now. Dungeon you have gone much tooleniant on the players they are high level show no mercy like in Age of Worms. In AOW they were fighting much tougher stuff, a Titan at lvl 17, Dragotha at lvl 19 (who if not surpasses rivals Demogorgon at the least), and a god at 21st. None theless the Demogorgon fight is made even weaker, by throwing in Gwynharwyf to let the PCs control and Malcanthet to cast her spells as free actions as well. Plus all the tons upon tons of magical gear they gain throughout the adventure path gives them even more power while Demogorgon the Item master of the Abyss doesn't have a single set of bracers of armor!? Demogorgon iss the Prince of Demons whilst here he feels like another monster with a title waiting his turn to die in a dungeon room. Give the PC's what they expect from Demogorgon a hard mother freaking fight. Give him magic items up the wazzu let him bring the fight to them it doesn't matter how,as long as its cool he is Prince of Demons after all. If the PC's have allies let him gate in something better than a lil old Balor but the grand daddy of his generals Belcheresk (nobody bothered him he sits out there with his gigantor fleet having to defeat only a few of Charon's baddies)...And when and if the PCs kill good ole Demo let him die grand not roaring while some lil; twin nimbus floats over his head. If Kyuss remains destroy a 700ft tower and make evil infested dungeons then the least the mightiest of Demons could do is...say destroy half of Gaping Maw...Few.done sorry for the long rant but I love Demogorgon been playing along time and to see him go like this is despicable. If anyone agrees comment if you disagree comment even more I would love to read.

Of all the NPC's in STAP, Avner has to be my favorite. My pary has grown to love to hate him. So I have decided to make a thread all about Avner and his antics. I'll start it off.

After bugging the party non-stop from Farshore to the IOD, the party's Warlock had had enough of Avner. He had tried reasoning, violence, and everything short of begging. So if you can't change em, enchant em. After charming him. The Warlock encouraged him to express his heroics in mounted combat and lead the charge into the next combat. The next battle happened to be the mummies in HTBM. Both Avner and his prized horse failed their Will saves against the mummies gaze. A few rounds later Avner picked up his nerve but his horse did not and fled from the undead. The horse trampled the party in its hasty retreat while Avner yelled for it to charge foward. The horse was stopped by the Warlock criting its legs off and sending Avner sprawiling into the wall.

Let's here it for Avner!