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![]() This is a re-post. I think I originally placed it in the wrong forum... I'm having a weird problem with 3rd party downloads. Not with Paizo products, as I've downloaded several modules and the PFRPGs with no problem. But I just purchased 01 Blueprints: The Ruined Town and I can't get it to unzip. The last time I had this problem was when Paizo had their big pdf sale last year. Several files I downloaded then had the same issue. The file downloads and shows up as a zip file of the proper size. WinZip says the file is corrupted. I tried downloading another zip program, PKZip, and same result. I'm on a year old notebook, Windows Vista, everything updated and just can't figure out what's going on. Anybody have any hints? ![]()
![]() I'm very disappointed in this book! It's 90% filler! The first two novels in the Annals of the Chosen (Wizard Lord and The Ninth Talisman) were great, even if I was upset about the unexpected cliffhanger ending of the second book. But you can read the first 25 pages and the last 25 pages of The Summer Palace and it completes the story. No need to read the interminable middle 300 pages. Very disappointing read from an author I normally really like. ![]()
![]() Okay, we're less than two weeks out from the official release, not to mention the Buy.com and pirate "early" releases, and so far I've seen exactly ONE mass market ad for 4E, a single page ad in this month's Wired magazine. For a game where one of the intentions was to draw in a new crowd of players, it seems kind of weak to me. Has anyone seem anything else? ![]()
![]() Not sure if this is the right place, but here goes... I need help. Getting ready to start in a new Pathfinder-based game. I will be playing a druid focusing on the ocean, using the Pathfinder Alpha 2 rules. I can't quite find a way to structure my character. I want her to have a strong connection with the ocean and nature. Animal companion is okay, although it has the limitations that I'm not sure how much of the game will be near or on the ocean (guessing 25-35%). A land based companion may work but doesn't quite fit the concept. I was thinking something like a serval or ocelot or jaguar, small cats with an affinity for water, but again not quite right. The elemental idea from Complete Mage might work but the background of being closer to the element than nature doesn't fit what I had in mind. The option for a cleric domain sounded great, so I read up on water. Everything is based on ice! Not really appropriate for a tropical or oceanic environment. Why would the Water domain focus on ice??? Any ideas? ![]()
![]() How do the terms of the new GSL affect Wolfgang Baur's Open Design Project and Kobold Quarterly? I presume that Open Design will have to choose 3.5 or 4.0, since it is a de facto publishing company and uses the rules extensively in its output, but as a periodical/magazine will Kobold Quarterly have to choose between the two? ![]()
![]() I just went to Wizards of the Coast's web site to check out the April Fool's page and noticed something... interesting. World Wide Dungeons & Dragons Day was in November last year. This year it is June 7. That is two weeks prior to Free RPG Day. So WotC is co-opting (preempting? first-striking?) a retail sales event created by the 3rd party market by holding their November event in June to coincide with 4E's release. Meanwhile the 3rd party market still can't release their 4E modules/products because WotC won't release the GSL. Something seems unbalanced in this equation... ![]()
![]() Does anyone know of a dedicated FLGS in the Dallas/Fort Worth area? I'm not talking about comic stores that have a decent selection of gaming stuff (ala Lone Star Comics), I'm looking for a real game store. I know of one. Games Workshop has a store in Grapevine Mills but they're Games Workshop only... ![]()
![]() OK, in conjunction with the other 2 threads going, Worst D&D Novels and Worst Modules, and knowing this has probably been batted around here before, I want to turn it around a little. What are your favorite D&D novels? Or series? My two favorites happen to be series: Threat from the Sea by Mel Odom and the three Greyhawk novels by Paul Kidd, White Plume Mountain, Descent into the Depths of the Earth, and Queen of the Demonweb Pits. The first series had an epic scope and took us to a realm not often explored in D&D books, and the second was just plain fun... ![]()
![]() Why was this order shipped? I changed the preference on my subscriptions a while ago to "ship all subscriptions once a month" after getting the e-mail saying that it was now available as an option to save on shipping. But Pathfinder shipped a couple of days ago and now this shipped separately (both in the same month by my calendar), doubling my shipping costs. What happened and how do we fix it? ![]()
![]() I had a friend ask this question over at Goodman Games' discussion board and all he got was a vague reply concerning 1E (OSRIC, I presume) and C&C (Castles and Crusades). The observation I have is this: the latest Game Trade Magazine has a blurb about the Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl Classic for December release. I think it's #52 or #53. The marketing blurb mentions, in no uncertain terms, that this adventure would be Goodman's last 3.5 compatible module. The question I have, and hope someone here will know, is what's up? Why bail on 3.5 four months early? When every in the 3rd party community says they don't have the new SRD yet to begin work on 4E? Is Goodman sitting out for a third of a year or do they know something we haven't heard yet? I'm just curious as to how all the 3rd party companies are going to handle the transition and this is really the first hard evidence I've seen so far. Anybody else heard anything? ![]()
![]() I'm trying to purchase 2 Dragon pdf files, but when I go to checkout the shopping cart also has my ongoing Game Mastery module subscription and wants to charge me for that also. I just want the 2 pdfs for now and to leave my Game Mastery subscription linked to my Pathfinder monthly shipment. How can I separate them in an order without screwing everything up, i.e. unsubscribing and then resubscribing? ![]()
![]() Well, we've got a small group together and already lost a member due to an unexpected job move! Looking to add one or two new players, we're a group of 30-somethings who haven't played in a while so we're easing into the 3.5 rules set. We've only met twice so far, so if you're interested, there's not too much catching up to do. Interested people can e-mail the DM at ditheringfool@gmail.com. ![]()
![]() My apologies if this is not the appropriate place for this question, but I have to ask... what the heck is the deal with the Realms of the Deep anthology?!? I read the original Threat from the Sea series (one of my all time favorites) but never picked up the anthology. I collect most of the D&D fiction and I positively haunt used bookstores. You can find almost all of the D&D fiction in paperback for $1 - $10. Except this one. I never picked it up when I have seen it in the past (my mistake!), but now that I'm looking for it (I read an interesting synopsis of some of the stories), I'm seeing prices of $25-$75! This is from EBay Stores and ABEBooks. For a paperback less than six years old! An anthology, which are usually the worst sellers! What's up? Does anyone have any insight as to why this one book, out of all the D&D fiction books, is so highly valued by used bookdealers? |