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RETIRED - defeated Karzoug, saved Sandpoint and happy Alpha of her little Pack

About Snow.

Female Beastkin-Human Ranger 14
N Medium Humanoid (Humanoid, Beast, Beastkin)

Wolf Form:
Huge, AC:34 (18+level+2 rune), 20 temp HP, speed 40ft. Bite +28, 4+2d6+7+2+2; claw +28, 2+2d10+7+2+2+1 (agile). Athletics +20.

Senses: Perception +24 (+20 prof, +4 Wis), low-light vision, darkvision, scent 30ft (imprecise)

AC 35 (+18 prof, +4 Dex, +3 armor)
HP 218/218 (8 + 14[10+4]+lvl)

Fort +25 (+20 prof, +4 Con, +1 item) Success = Crit Success
Ref +25 (+20 prof, +4 Dex, +1 item) Success = Crit Success
Will +23 (+18 prof, +4 Wis, +1 item)
Poison Resistance 5, +2 on saves vs. poison.

Spd 25ft
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Trackless Step: gain the benefits of the Cover Tracks action in natural terrains, without moving at half your Speed.

+2 greater striking Bastard sword +27, 3d8+8. [Two handed d12]
+2 grtr striking Main-Gauche +27, 3d4+8. [Agile, Disarm, Finesse, Parry, Versatile S]

Claws +25; 3d6+7 [S, Agile, Finesse]
Bite +25; 3d4+7 [P, Agile, Finesse, Unarmed]

Focus 3/3
- Wild Shape
- Wild Morph
- Gravity Weapon

Cantrip: Puff of Poison
1/day: animal messenger, calm emotions (animal only), speak with animals, Invisibility (2&4), Haste, Tongues, True Seeing, Energy Aegis.

Str 19 (+4) [+5/10]
Dex 18 (+4) [+5/10]
Con 18 (+4) [+5/10]
Int 8 (-1)
Wis 18 (+4) [+5/10]
Cha 8 (-1)

Acrobatics +22 (+18 prof, +4 dex)
Arcana +15 (+16 prof, -1 Int)
Athletics +22 (+18 prof, +4 str)
Intimidation +18 (+18 prof, -1 cha, +1 item)
Medicine +20 (+16 prof, +4 wis)
Nature +29 (+16 prof, +4 wis)
Society +15 (+16 prof, -1 int)
Survival +20 (+16 prof, +4 wis)
Stealth +24 (+20 prof, +4 dex)
Thievery +23 (+18 prof, +4 dex, +1 item)

Common, Druidic, Sylvan.

Main-Gauche (5sp)
Thieves Tools (3gp)
Climbing Kit (5sp)
Holy Water x2 (6gp)
+2 Greater Striking Handwraps of Mighty Blows (2000gp)
+2 Resilient Snakeskin Tunic (leather armor that grants a +1 item bonus to saves against poison [stacks with resilience rune up to +4 total] and to Acrobatics checks) (450gp)
Demon Mask (85gp)

+2 grtr striking bastard sword (2004gp)
Doubling Rings (50gp)
Pearlescent Pyramid Aeon Stone (900gp)
Champion of Wrath (+1 status to attack/damage)

2656 gp

Feat Progression:
Archetype: 12. AW (Insect form) 14. ?? 16. AW (Ferocious Form/Soaring Shape) 18. ??


Ancestry Feats:
Critter Shape [Ancestry 1]: Once per hour, you can use Change Shape to enter a critter shape. While in critter shape, you gain the effect of a 1st-level pest form, except you can only transform into an animal matching your inherent animal. You can remain in critter shape for up to 10 minutes, after which you transform back into your hybrid shape and can't enter your critter shape again for 1 hour. You can instead use Change Shape to return to your humanoid or hybrid shape at any time during the duration of Critter Shape. If your inherent animal is normally larger than Tiny, you transform into a smaller, younger version of the animal, such as a Tiny bear cub. If your inherent animal has a fly Speed, you can turn into that animal (unlike normal for 1st-level pest form), but you still don't gain a fly Speed.
Animal Senses [Ancestry Paragon 1]: You gain one of the following senses available to your inherent animal: darkvision, low-light vision, or scent (imprecise) 30 feet. You must have low-light vision before you can gain darkvision with this feat.
Quick Shape [Ancestry Paragon 3]: {Free action when rolling initiative} Your instincts kick in and you take on an aggressive stance. You use Change Shape to enter your hybrid form or a new form granted by a beastkin feat.
Sense Allies [Ancestry 5]: Like many humans raised in a close-knit community, you have always been strongly attuned to the presence of others. Willing allies that you are aware of within 60 feet that would otherwise be undetected by you are instead hidden from you. The flat check for you to target willing allies within 60 feet that are hidden from you is 5 instead of 11.
Natural Ambition [Ancestry Paragon 7]: You were raised to be ambitious and always reach for the stars, leading you to progress quickly in your chosen field. You gain a 1st-level class feat for your class. You must meet the prerequisites, but you can select the feat later in the character creation process in order to determine which prerequisites you meet.
Animal Magic [Ancestry 9]: Your shapeshifting grants you a magical connection to the animal world. You can cast animal messenger, calm emotions (animals only), and speak with animals as 2nd-level primal innate spells once per day each. These spells use your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.
General Training [Ancestry Paragon 11]: Your adaptability manifests in your mastery of a range of useful abilities. You gain a 1st-level general feat. You must meet the feat's prerequisites, but if you select this feat during character creation, you can select the feat later in the process in order to determine which prerequisites you meet.
Dire Form [Ancestry 13]: Your hybrid shape is a hulking beast. While in your hybrid shape, you gain the effects of enlarge.

Class Feats:
Twin Takedown {A, flourish} [Ranger 1]: You swiftly attack your hunted prey with both weapons. Make two Strikes against your hunted prey, one with each of the required weapons. If both hit the same hunted prey, combine their damage for the purpose of its resistances and weaknesses. Apply your multiple attack penalty to each Strike normally.
Relentless Stalker {R} [Ranger 2]: Your hunted prey cannot escape your relentless pursuit. Stride up to your Speed in tandem with the triggering creature, remaining adjacent to the foe throughout its movement until it stops moving or you run out of movement. You can ignore difficult terrain during this movement unless the difficult terrain is caused by a magical effect.
Druid Dedication [Free Archetype 2]: You cast spells like a druid. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two common cantrips each day from the primal spell list in this book or any other primal cantrips you learn or discover. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for primal spells. Your key spellcasting ability for druid archetype spells is Wisdom, and they are primal druid spells.
You learn the Druidic language, and you are bound by the druid's anathema.
Choose a druidic order (Wild). You become a member of that order and are also bound by its specific anathema, allowing you to take the order's feats. You become trained in Nature and your order's associated skill; for each of these skills in which you were already trained, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You don't gain any other abilities from your choice of order.
Wild Shape [Druid 1 (free)]: You are one with the wild, always changing and adapting to meet any challenge. You gain the wild shape order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of forms that you can expand with druid feats.
Disrupt Prey [Ranger 4]: {R} Trigger: Your hunted prey is within your reach, and it uses a manipulate action, uses a move action, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.
Make a melee Strike against your prey. If the attack is a critical hit, you disrupt the triggering action.
Basic Wilding -> Poison Resistance [FA 4 (free)]: Your body has become fortified against toxins. You gain poison resistance equal to half your level, and you gain a +1 status bonus to saving throws against poisons.
Skirmish Strike [Ranger 6]: {A} Your feet and weapon move in tandem. Either Step and then Strike, or Strike and then Step.
Advanced Wilding -> Thousand Faces[DFA 6, delayed until 8]: Your form is as mutable as the weather, changing to meet your whim. You add the forms listed in humanoid form to your wild shape list.
Gravity Weapon [Natural Ambition]: Your expertise with your weapons and commitment to taking out your targets lends you magical power. You gain the gravity weapon warden spell and a focus pool of 1 Focus Point.
Blind-Fight [Ranger 8]: Your battle instincts make you more aware of concealed and invisible opponents. You don’t need to succeed at a flat check to target concealed creatures. You’re not flat-footed to creatures that are hidden from you (unless you’re flat-footed to them for reasons other than the hidden condition), and you need only a successful DC 5 flat check to target a hidden creature.
While you’re adjacent to an undetected creature of your level or lower, it is instead only hidden from you.
Advanced Wilding -> Form Control [FA 8]: With additional care and effort, you can take on an alternate form for a longer period of time. If your next action is to cast wild shape, wild shape’s spell level is 2 lower than normal (minimum 1st level), but you can remain transformed for up to 1 hour or the listed duration (whichever is longer). You can still Dismiss the form at any time, as permitted by the spell.
Camoflage [Ranger 10]: You alter your appearance to blend in to the wilderness. In natural terrain, you can Sneak even if you’re observed.
Runescarred Dedication [FA 10]: Whether through blood (if you’re Varisian, Shoanti, or New Thassilonian) or by exposure to rune magic, you have become runescarred, with visible, glowing runes on your body in the form of tattoos or scars. You might have possessed these marks before gaining the archetype, but you only truly became runescarred when you chose to study and tap into the runes’ power. You become an expert in Arcana and you also become trained in Thassilon Lore, or an expert in Thassilon Lore if you were already trained in it.
Choose one cantrip from the arcane list. One of the runes on your body corresponds to the chosen cantrip, and you can cast the chosen cantrip as an innate arcane spell.
Double Prey [Ranger 12]: You can focus on two foes at once, hunting both of them down. When you use the Hunt Prey action, you can pick two creatures as your prey.
Spell Runes [FA 12]: The magical runes on your body grant you several magical abilities. Choose a 1st-level arcane spell. You gain a spell rune on your body corresponding to the chosen spell, which you can cast once per day as an innate spell. At 6th level, you gain a spell rune corresponding to a 2nd-level arcane spell, and at 8th level, you gain a spell rune corresponding to a 3rd-level arcane spell.
Sense the Unseen [Ranger 14]: When you look for foes, you can catch even the slightest cues, such as their minute movements or the shifting of air currents on your skin. Even though you failed at the triggering check, you automatically sense any undetected creatures in the area where you’re Seeking, making them merely hidden to you.
Greater Spell Rune [FA14]: You gain more powerful spell runes. You gain a spell rune corresponding to a 4th-level arcane spell. At 12th level, you gain a spell rune corresponding to a 5th-level arcane spell, and at 14th level, you gain a spell rune corresponding to a 6th-level arcane spell.

Skill Feats:
Forager [Background]: While using Survival to Subsist, if you roll any result worse than a success, you get a success. On a success, you can provide subsistence living for yourself and four additional creatures, and on a critical success, you can take care of twice as many creatures as on a success.
Each time your proficiency rank in Survival increases, double the number of additional creatures you can take care of on a success (to eight if you’re an expert, 16 if you’re a master, or 32 if you’re legendary). You can choose to care for half the number of additional creatures and provide a comfortable living instead of subsistence living.
Multiple smaller creatures or creatures with significantly smaller appetites than a human are counted as a single creature for this feat, and larger creatures or those with significantly greater appetites each count as multiple creatures. The GM determines how much a non-human creature needs to eat.
Terrain Stalker [Skill 2]: Select one type of difficult terrain from the following list: rubble, snow, or underbrush. While undetected by all non-allies in that type of terrain, you can Sneak without attempting a Stealth check as long as you move no more than 5 feet and do not move within 10 feet of an enemy at any point during your movement. This also allows you to automatically approach creatures to within 15 feet while Avoiding Notice during exploration as long as they aren’t actively Searching or on guard.
Shadow Mark [Skill 4]: You have learned special tricks that help you follow individuals without them noticing you. When you attempt a Stealth check to Avoid Notice while following a specific target, the target takes a –2 circumstance penalty to their Perception DC. If you have master proficiency in Stealth, the penalty is –3 or –4 if you're legendary. If you start an encounter with the target while shadowing them, the target takes this penalty to their initiative roll and to their Perception DC to determine if they notice you, as normal for Sneak.
Assurance (Medicine) [Skill 6]: Even in the worst circumstances, you can perform basic tasks. Choose a skill you’re trained in. You can forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).
Intimidating Glare [Skill 8]: You can Demoralize with a mere glare. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty if the creature doesn’t understand your language.
Swift Sneak [Skill 10]: You can move your full Speed when you Sneak. You can use Swift Sneak while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.
Kip Up [Skill 12]: {F} You stand up. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions.

General Feats:
Sign Language [General 3]: You learn the sign languages associated with the languages you know, allowing you to sign and understand signs. Sign languages typically require both hands to convey more complex concepts, and they are visual rather than auditory.
Supertaster [General 7]: You have refined your palate and have a discerning sense of taste that can detect abnormalities in the flavor and texture of food and beverages. When eating food or drinking a beverage, you automatically attempt to identify the ingredients, which might alert you to the presence of alterations or additives, such as poisons. The GM rolls a secret Perception check using the poison's level to determine the DC; on a success, you learn that the food or drink was poisoned, but not the specific poison used.
If you lick or taste something while Investigating or attempting to Recall Knowledge to identify something, if the taste would provide relevant additional information (at the GM's discretion), you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check.
Toughness [General Training]: You can withstand more punishment than most before succumbing. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value.
Incredible Scout [General 11]: When you scout, you are particularly alert for danger, granting your allies precious moments to prepare to fight. When using the Scout exploration activity, you grant your allies a +2 circumstance bonus to their initiative rolls instead of a +1 circumstance bonus.

Background: Feral Child: You spent your youth in the wilderness, living close to or perhaps raised by animals. You have a close, mystical connection with these animals and gained certain abilities from them, though this limited your well-roundedness in mental pursuits.
Choose one ability boost. It must be Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
You are trained in Nature and Survival. You gain low-light vision (or darkvision if you already had low-light vision), imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet, and the Forager skill feat.
Heritage: Beastkin – Change Shape {A}: (Concentrate, Primal, Polymorph, Transmutation) You change into your humanoid or hybrid shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance, and most beastkin remain in their hybrid shapes by default. In hybrid shape, you appear as a mix between your ancestry and your inherent animal. While in hybrid shape, you gain a jaws unarmed Strike resembling the features of your inherent animal (fangs for bats, beaks for eagles, mandibles for wasps, and so on). Your jaws deal 1d4 piercing damage, have the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits, and are in the brawling weapon group. In your humanoid shape, you retain the appearance of your original ancestry.

Class Features
Hunt Prey {A}: [Concentrate] You designate a single creature as your prey and focus your attacks against that creature. You must be able to see or hear the prey, or you must be tracking the prey during exploration.
You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your prey and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your prey. You also ignore the penalty for making ranged attacks within your second range increment against the prey you’re hunting.
You can have only one creature designated as your prey at a time. If you use Hunt Prey against a creature when you already have a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new prey gains the designation. Your designation lasts until your next daily preparations.
Hunter’s Edge (Flurry): You have trained to unleash a devastating flurry of attacks upon your prey. Your multiple attack penalty for attacks against your hunted prey is –3 (–2 with an agile weapon) on your second attack of the turn instead of –5, and –6 (–4 with an agile weapon) on your third or subsequent attack of the turn, instead of –10.
Nature's Edge: You always find the weak points in your foes' defenses when they're on unfavorable terrain. Enemies are flat-footed to you if they're in natural difficult terrain or in difficult terrain resulting from a snare.
Wild Step: You move quickly through obstacles, whether they’re tumbled stone, tangled undergrowth, or sucking mud. You can ignore the effects of non-magical difficult terrain. As normal for ignoring difficult terrain, this also lets you treat the hindrances of greater difficult terrain as those of difficult terrain.
Snow is now a woman fully, or mostly fully grown, and has gradually filled out from the emaciated waif that Sandru first met. That said she is still thin and hard, with the lean figure of someone who works every day for their livelihood. Her hair is long and black and has barely ever known the touch of a brush, only a simple twist of string or rudimentary pin to hold it out of her eyes. She changes clothes regularly, now that Sandru has finally impressed the importance of it on her, but favours sturdy and practical jerkins and trousers over skirts and embroidered blouses. This practical dress sense and and her slender, some unkind people would say 'flat', physique have led to Snow being mistaken for a boy more than once.

Snow almost always smells of animals, generally the horses she spends most of her time with or the dogs she walks, which overlays her natural scent unless tackled with serious application of soap and water – something she resists ferociously. The only piece of personal grooming Snow does not regularly disregard is cleaning her teeth, which she does ritually every morning and night. As a result her teeth are impressively white although an astute observer might notice that she has rather more canines than is normal in humans.
Snow has been with Sandru Vhiski for years, ever since he set out on his own in the caravaning business. On an otherwise uneventful winter trip across the Storval Plateau the caravan was encamped one night when it was attacked by a pack of starving wolves who were so hungry that even the usual defenses of fire and loud noises were insufficient to scare them off. Leading the defense from the front, Sandru was busy for the entire skirmish and it was only when the wolves retreated to lick their wounds that he found that the door to the supplies caravan had been opened and two sacks of food, as well as a bottle of fine Chelish brandy and one of his handkerchiefs, were missing.

Being naturally kind-hearted Sandru couldn't bring himself to chase down the thieves and continued the route, writing the supplies off as an investment in a good story that he could tell at the trading posts. That was the last he thought of the matter until nearly a week later when a child caught up with the slow-moving caravan. Covered in dirt and long white hair the figure was barely recognisable as a human at all and the guards were about to drive it away when it collapsed in front of them. Closer examination revealed the figure to be a girl, with a massive bruise across her chest and at least six broken ribs. Strangest of all, she clutched Sandru’s handkerchief in one filthy hand.

Over the next two weeks the girl lay in one of the wagons, fighting a deep fever and nearly dying more than once. Most of the caravan sat with her at one point or another and heard how she spoke, sometimes in the common tongue and sometimes in barks and yips more like a dog or wolf than a human being. Eventually the girl pulled through thanks to the magic of the caravan’s Fortune Teller and Sandru eventually bent the caravan’s route back to Sandpoint in order to drop his new charge off with his adopted mother, Niska Mvashti and her daughter Koya.

‘Snow’, the name the child had gained during her time in the caravan proved to be a difficult child. Clothes were gradually accepted, especially as the weather turned colder, but concepts such as regular washing, eating with more than the most basic utensils and manners remained foreign things which Snow fiercely resisted. She did show a gift for animals though and was soon finding employment all across Sandpoint walking dogs, caring for horses and generally looking after whatever animals needed care at a given moment. Koya attempted to stop the girl bringing stray animals home but soon gave up the cause as lost and allowed it. Snow would never try to keep an animal that wanted to leave, so the Mvashti household was never overrun with pets as Koya had once feared.

As she grew older Snow has carved a small and oddly shaped niche for herself in Sandpoint, recognised as a valuable member of the town’s community without ever being truly liked. Rumors persisted that she was some sort of shapeshifter despite Niska’s firm denials and the resulting mistrust made her friendship with Nualia Tobin all the more surprising, given the older girl’s beauty and popularity. Nualia’s tragic death in the cathedral fire three years ago upset Snow greatly, although she never shared the communal grief in Father Tobin’s death – instead becoming snappish and angry whenever he was mentioned.