Giseil Voslil

quacktar's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. 1 review. 2 lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

(Disclaimer: This question regards a U-Con chronicle reward Tengu PC for Society Play)

I have a lvl 2 natural weapons tengu ranger with aspect of the beast (Claws). This gives him 3 primary natural attacks, my question is regarding shields.

The thought occurred to me to equip a buckler on each claw arm. Simple question - would the AC bonuses stack? And, would the Armor check penalties stack?

Sovereign Court

Iadaran Illusionist

The thought occurs to me that:
Human Wizard, Conjuration School
School Bonus: +1/2 summon duration per CL
Magical Lineage: Summon Monster III
Natural Born Leader
Spell Focus Conjuration (Free Wizard Feat)
Varisian Tattoo: Conjuration (Free Human Feat)
Spell Specialization: Summon Monster I (Flip to II at 4 and III at lvl 6)
Lvl 2:
Additional Traits:
Genie Caller +2 Caster Level on Summon 1/day
Master of Pentacles +2 Caster Level on Summon 1/day
Lvl 4:
Feat: Metamagic Tenebrous Spell
Lvl 5:
Bonus Feat: Metamagic Extend Spell
Lvl 6:
Feat: Bloatmage Initiate
Prestige class: Bloatmage
Orange Prism slotted in wayfinder

So, my question is - can this potential character cast summon monster III once at 25- round duration, and further times per day at 21 rounds? Not because this character is worth making - I'm just wondering if all of these stack? It seems like too much. His traits are legal, his feats are too.

Sovereign Court

The player in question is applying his first scenario's credit earned by a pregen to a new wizard. He wants to know: Can he use 2 prestige to pick up a lvl 1 wand to use as his bonded wand to take to the character's next scenario?

In other words, can the terminology in the rulebook

"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat... If the bonded object is a wand, it loses its wand abilities when its last charge is consumed, but it is not destroyed and it retains all of its bonded object properties and can be used to craft a new wand."

apply to a wand bought with prestige awards?

It looks as if he can without question if he pays 200 to 'switch' bonded objects - does he need to pay that 200?

Sovereign Court

Quick question, as stated in the subject - GMs I've played with have always said yes outside of PFS, but before I walk in with it on my sheet 4th session I wanted ask.

Tumor familiar is great, it'd be super great with boon.

Sovereign Court

Is the Pathfinder's Exile trait legal for Society play? On the one hand the Society Guide would seem to imply no, but on the other hand, a google search shows it in the character profiles of several players on the official society site.

Sovereign Court

Hello! I'm running my first society game soon, and a player asked this question:

Does the constrict eidolon evolution qualify it for Final Embrace? Evolution can change, but I'm inclined to allow it, on the obvious condition that if he ditches constrict, final embrace would be 'disabled' until he met the conditions again.

He would be basing his Society Summoner's Eidolon on Final Embrace, and I don't want to steer him wrong and have him end up 'wasting' feats satisfying the prerequisite if he can't use it.

Alternatively, is the serpent Eidolon 'serpentfolk' as stated in the feat prerequisite?


Sovereign Court

1. If you have 18-19 Intelligence here's a trick for you: In the morning get up and make a fresh brewed batch of Fox's Cunning, and chug that sludge like a boss.

The four point Intelligence boost gives you a bonus level 2 spell to cover the one you spent, and an additional level one spell. The boos wears off in a few minutes, but by then you've got your bonus extract tucked away for the day.

This also works for characters at 20-21 intelligence after level 7 - the four point boost gives a bonus lvl 1 AND a bonus lvl 3

I've looked at rules, forums, etc and don't see anything that would make this illegal - plus it makes sense in a roleplaying sense.


Sovereign Court

Hello! This is my first Pathfinder related post online.

I've been building a 1 Barbarian / 6 Alchemist for a new campaign, and I put a reference chart together for you all! After much sweat and tears, I combed through the magic disciplines, priced potions, etc.

Obviously this is especially powerful with the Alchemist - for example, a potion of Greater Magical Fang +5 is 3000 gp. That's totally unreasonable for a short duration one use. BUT an alchemist with Alchemical Allocation and Extend Potion gets twice as much use out of it each time, and never expends the potion.

To me the only limiting factor was not knowing what was out there potionable spell wise. Now I know! Here are some highlights I haven't seen mentioned too much online:

Barkskin +5, 1800 gp: +5 to Natural Armor, stacks with Mutagen's Natural Armor Bonus. At lvl 7 with extend potion it lasts 140 minutes, expending 1 lvl 2 slot!

Strong Jaw, 1650 gp: Only useful for a Feral Mutagen Build, but oh boy is it useful! It adds 2 dice steps to ALL your natural attacks. Example:

1 gore attack (from lesser fiend totem): 1d8 standard, 2d6 after enlarge, 4d6 after Strong Jaw

2 claw attacks: 1d6 standard, 1d8 after enlarge, 2d6 each after Strong Jaw

1 Bite attack: 1d8 standard, 2d6 after enlarge, 4d6 after Strong Jaw

12d6! Not bad!

Stoneskin, 1050 gp: DR10/adamantine, lasts 140 minutes as well.