qaplawjw's page

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Plenty of monsters need a place to drink, socialize and post classified ads; taverns aren't necessarily just for "PC" races.

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I am generally open to converting 3.5 material, if it has not already been rewritten. For something like Harm or Disintegrate, just use the PF version.

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Since Eberron was brought up, it reminded me of Kaius/Karrnath. Despite being an evil vampire dictator, I always got the impression that he had some regrets about about becoming Undead and animating zombies all over the place, and that he was trying to make up for it all by keeping his kingdom safe. Of course, not enough regret to budge his alignment, and a LE vampire overlord probably has a bit of an... unusual perspective on the good of his kingdom.

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Shamans are a hybrid class, which means they combine elements from two other classes (in this case, Oracle and Witch). They are also prepared casters, which means they need to choose which spells they are going to have access to at the start of each day. That could be a bit complicated for a new player, depending on how it works at your table.

What are the other players playing? Do you know if the campaign is going to be a published adventure/if so, which one?

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Reliquarian Occultist is another way to get a domain without divine spells.

As I don't think any such ways existed when Ultimate Magic was written, I tentatively agree with A being intended, but B being what they wrote.

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The key phrase is "direct" damage. Casting a weapon spell does not "directly" damage anyone, unlike the other spells you mentioned. It just gives you a weapon that you can attack with on later turns.

Also, claiming to be the only rational person in a decent sized group of people...It looks a bit like projection, and it's a little rude.

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What mystery do you have? Is it a plausible choice for the deity you're changing to, or are you looking to change mysteries as well?

I don't know if it would be entirely against the rules, but an Oracle of bones following Sarenrae would be...Odd. Changing mysteries sounds like close to a completely new character.

Nellie Todd has not participated in any online campaigns.