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I am interested in crafting a heavy shield out of adamantine, and there is a dispute between my GM and me about the cost.

As I understand it, the breakdown is like this:
Base item: Heavy steel shield, 20 gp
Special material: Adamantine, +3000 gp, shield uses the weapon price for the material
Total = 3,020 x 1/3 price for crafting it myself

So the final cost of the shield to me would be 1,066 gp 6 sp 7 cp

My GM is saying that the 3,000 gp cost of adamantine is a material cost which is not affected by the crafting discount. Is there anything in the rules to support his argument? Am I wrong in thinking that I should be able to craft this at the normal 1/3 price rate? I'd never heard such an argument before and none of the other threads I found searching this board seemed to even consider the idea that the material cost WOULDN'T be factored into the crafting reduction.

Thank you for any help you folks are able to provide on this