Radosek Pavril

poisoni's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.



My order says Pending and it's been like this since Monday. How long do I have to wait? I'm itching to read the third Age of Ashes PDF already.

poisoni wrote:
Can the dragon pillar shoot an eyebeam three times in a round or is it just beam per round?

Routine (1 action) On its initiative, the dragon pillar fires an eye beam at the closest target within 120 feet.

Does this "(1 action)" specify that it only does one action per round?

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Can the dragon pillar shoot an eyebeam three times in a round or is it just beam per round?

Thank you James! :)

Would love an updated pguide now that I bought the hardcover.

Bard can take10 on know-roll even stressed. He isn't trained in knowledge. He doesen't know what a goblin is.

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Hello, first time poster, long time lurker and GM. Just wanted to come out of the lurk-closet. Nice cookie, thanks.