Blue Dragon

permafrost777's page

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Thanks all.

So for 2e, is it safe to say Abomination Vaults followed by Seven Dooms for Sandpoint followed by Shades of Blood would be considered the 3 biggest, in that order? Thanks again, no issues if some 1e adventure paths were mentioned. Good to know.

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Cool, thanks for explaining. Was surprised to see Carrion Hill not make it to HC back in the day. And the others as well..was just wondering.

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I'm trying to collect all Hardcover editions of 1e and 2e Adventure Paths. Some really good ones like Carrion Hill, Age of Ashes and so many more do not have a collected version with all 6 paths and it's very hard to find them all. Some were made though into hardcovers, others no. Is there a reason for this?