darth_borehd wrote:
Supernatural abilities cannot be disrupted in combat and generally don't provoke attacks of opportunity. They aren't subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or dispel magic.
It used to be that this was not a big deal as supernatural abilities were typically either limited in effect or abilities of the more powerful monsters.
Starting with the witch, we started seeing PC classes with supernatural abilities that acted like spells and were sometimes better with the exception they ignore spell resistance, counterspells, and dispel magic.
Now the upcoming Occult book adds a class with a supernatural ability that blasts opponents with energy.
I think giving PCs class abilities like this are potentially game-breaking. For example, I have seen witch's hexes take out opponents many CR higher while wizards and clerics were impotent due to the creature's SR.
Do you think this a problem? If so, what changes will fix it?
I don't think it's a problem. Just as the player party can coordinate to take on a challenge, so too can the NPCs/monsters. For the longest time, the mantra has been "Kill the Wizard first.". It may become "Kill the Occultist* first.". *Occultist meaning any of the new occult classes in the upcoming book.
In your example, had the witch not been there, and instead a fighter took out the opponent (they do ignore SR pretty good I would say, almost OP), would you be saying the fighter is a problem? There are plenty of spells a cleric or wizard could cast that would beef up the fighter, and make it an unfair advantage. If the wizard's just going to "lol fireball" everything, well, they get what they deserve eventually.
You're also completely ignoring the fact that there may be other things in the book that could be used to boost monsters.
I mean, in the end, you're the GM. If you want the monster or NPC to resist the supernatural power, well, GM fiat away. That occultist can still die to mass arrows, being surrounded and dragged down by a horde of goblins, dropped down into pits filled with ouchies, the list goes on.
I'm not going to worry because they can hurt the monsters a bit more...