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Half-elf Rogue 6 | HP 7/33 | AC 23 T16 F18 | CMD 18 | F +3 | R +11 | W +4 | Init +9 | Per +11

About Corwen Surefoot


Corwen is rather short for a half-elf, standing at just 5'7" tall. His white-blonde hair is long and straight, and he has fine yet masculine facial features (and is also somewhat vain about his appearance). He wears simple silver hoop earrings up the length of each ear (four each side), and favours dark or black clothing. He is easy with a smile and a laugh, but also seems to be constantly keeping a keen eye on everything that happens around him. He is slim and lithe rather than well-muscled, and carries little extra weight on his frame. His voice is of a medium pitch, and well-modulated, though it displays a hint of the lilting twang of the River Kingdoms.

Corwen Surefoot
Male half-elf rogue 6
N Medium Humanoid (24 y.o. 5'7" 125 lbs.)
Init +9 Perception +11
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+5 Dex, +5 armour, +2 shield, +1 deflection)
hp 33
Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +4
Spd 30 ft. (6 sq.)/x4
Melee +1 rapier +11 (1d6/18-20)
Melee mwk swordbreaker dagger +10 (1d4-1)
Ranged hand crossbow +9 (1d4/19-20), range 30'
Ranged mwk swordbreaker dagger +10 (1d4-1/19-20), range 10'
Str 8, Dex 18 (20), Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
BAB +4, CMB +3 (+9 w/ Weapon Finesse), CMD 18
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm*, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus* (rapier), Weapon Proficiency (Swordbreaker dagger; Ancestral Arms)
* Indicates feat gained via rogue talent

Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan

Special Abilities
*Ancestral Arms (Swordbreaker dagger)
*Elf Blood
*Elven Immunities (magical sleep effects, +2 racial save bonus vs enchantments)
*Keen Senses (+2 Perception)
*Low-Light Vision
*RogueTalents (Combat Trick [Improved Disarm]; Finesse Rogue; Weapon Training [rapier])
*Sneak Attack (+3d6)
*Trapfinding +3
*Trap Sense +2
*Uncanny Dodge


*Brigand: You begin with an extra 100 gp in ill-gotten gains. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with brigands, thieves, bandits, and their ilk.
*Reincarnated: You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear and death effects.

Favoured Class:
All levels: 1 Skill point

11 ranks/lvl (class 8, Int +2, Favoured Class +1)

Acrobatics +14 (6 ranks, Dex +5, class +3)
Bluff +11 (6 ranks, Cha +2, class +3)
Climb +4 (2 ranks, Str -1, class +3)
Diplomacy +11 (6 ranks, Cha +2, class +3)
Disable Device +16 (6 ranks, Dex +5, class +3, +2 mwk thieves' tools)
Disguise +8 (3 ranks, Cha +2, class +3)
Escape Artist +12 (4 ranks, Dex +5, class +3)
Intimidate +9 (4 ranks, Cha +2, class +3)
Knowledge (Local) +9 (4 ranks, Int +2, class +3)
Perception +11 (6 ranks, class +3, racial +2)
Sense Motive +9 (6 ranks, class +3)
Sleight of Hand +13 (5 ranks, Dex +5, class +3)
Stealth +14 (6 ranks, Dex +5, class +3)
Swim +3 (1 rank, Str -1, class +3)
Use Magic Device +6 (1 rank, Int +2, class +3)

Carrying Capacity: Light <27; Medium 27-53; Heavy 54-80
On Person
+1 rapier (2 lbs)
Masterwork swordbreaker dagger (1 lb)
+1 mithril shirt (10 lbs)
Darkwood buckler (2.5 lbs)
Cloak of resistance +1 (1 lb)
Ring of protection +1
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 (1 lb)
Masterwork thieves' tools (2 lbs)
Belt pouch (.5 lb)
Explorer's Outfit
Spring loaded wrist sheath (1 lb)
Smoke pellets x4
Hand crossbow (2 lbs)
Bolts x1 (1 lb)
Backpack (2 lbs)
Potions: cure moderate wounds x1; cure light wounds x5; invisibility x1
On Person Total Weight: 26 lbs

Disguise kit (8 lbs)
Bedroll (5 lbs)
Bolts x40 (4 lbs)

Belt Pouch: 40pp, 54gp, 9sp



Notes to self:
- Check out Fencing Grace and Piranha Strike feats next level.