omniplex's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I absolutely love the Paladin class, and the idea of a holy and righteous warrior shining as a beacon of light in a darkened world. That said, I do feel that the Paladin occupies a certain conceptual space, in such a way that it pushes out a broader idea of a divine champion or holy warrior, one that would include the paladin as a roleplaying option, but open it up to other forms of divine champion that aren't limited to the paladin or it's dark (or rebellious) reflections. I see that's not the direction that the developers are going, and that's fine, but I do think a broader class with the paladin as a specific roleplaying option (possibly with an archetype or class feats) would benefit the system more.

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I'm hoping they go with the amount of resonace investment corresponding to the enhancement bonus of the weapon or armor, rather than needing to upgrade every few levels.

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Yuk. It would be much preferable for sorcerers and such to know the spells at every level, and just give them fewer spells known, if thats even neccesary.