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Is shot on the run changed at all?

Old One:As a full-round action, you can move up to your
speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during
your movement

Dennis da Ogre wrote:

2nd level spells and +2d6 sneak attack?
Fixed. You can now get into AT at 7th level or 8th if you use sorcerer. Roughly in line with other PrCs.

Paizo to the rescue. Finally this class is playable!

Dr Simon wrote:

All looks in order to me, although you need another 1st level spell, and in languages replace "Common" with "Low Imperial". There's nothing like a widespread druidic brotherhood either, so there's no Druidic language. You can use Spiritspeech instead, if you like, which is a common language to all creatures of the spirit world.

In answer to your previous question, I think any of those animal companions would be okay. I think we can assume that he has befriended this creature since becoming a prisoner in the mines, rather than it having come with him.

Another point about Edraldi is that due to the Stonebond racial characteristic he probably would have been quite sick on the long sea journey to his current location. Obviously, he's better now!

Visually, I have in mind for the Edraldi a sort of mixture of Aughra from the Dark Crystal, the Thivin race from Skyrealms of Jorune, and Raggety the troll from Rupert the Bear. You may need to Google some of those!

(And as for Edit, I haven't used these forums much, but it seems like there is a finite period of time after posting that you can go back and edit your post. After that, the option disappears).

Ok, will update those points and google the races. Are you sure its not just 2 spells? One from level 1 and one bonus.

It does seem to have a edit time after which it is locked.

If I might ask, where are you based? UK?