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Group i'm playing with currently has:
-a Necrid cleric (they're like half vampires, but not quite as powerful)
-a natural lycanthrope rogue (wererat)
-an orog Bard (orogs are orcs that are actually personable on top of being strong)

So as you can see, we're seriously lacking in the offensive magic and heavy hitting departments, despite the orog. I'm filling both roles by taking on a homebrew class i've been wanting to try out for a while: the cabalist (equal parts demonologist and 3.5 warlock, with the ability to take on demonic abilities and features [which would normally make him really overpowered if it werent for the fact that every power he takes on turns into a serious drawback under certain circumstances]) Racewise, i'm at a bit of a crossroads. I want to play something that can plausibly have a vested interest in studying demons, but tieflings and watered down half fiends seem too cliche. I'd like something tough and with a good charisma score, but without a penalty to strength. something that's normally considered evil would be a nice plus. any ideas?