Derhii Scout

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Organized Play Member. 57 posts (58 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

I'm designing an arena encounter for our Pathfinder game this weekend, and I'm a bit stumped on the best way to make this scenario enjoyable.

The players have worked their way through an enormous skeletal maze populated by a variety of undead creatures, forever trapped in the maze. The final room before escaping the maze is the arena, a coliseum built of the same bone materials. The arena champion is a Frankenstein monster composed of pieces of different creatures.

I can design challenging enemies for the encounter. THe players are all level 3, consisting of a rogue, a barbarian, and some crazy psionic shenanigans I'm not sure I can explain without looking at the character sheet. While I can stat out the enemies, I feel like there should be some environmental stuff going on as well, possibly some fun with terrain, but I don't really know how to go about it.

Any suggestions from the wonderful folk who frequent these forums would be greatly appreciated! Apologies for spelling/grammar.

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