Hi all,
My name is Brian Fitzpatrick, but please call me Fitz. I'm the guy behind Moebius Adventures, a small RPG publisher producing system-neutral supplements to help inspire your muse (you can check them out here). But that's not why I'm writing today.
I'm curious. What do YOU use to inspire your game content as GMs and players? Is it all visual? Do you use music to get in a creative mood? Do you rely on random rolls and tables to kick things off? What do you use to get in that creative mode to write up descriptions, encounters, NPCs, adventures, and more?
Personally, my brain is full of bizarre connections. So I leverage those by coming up with random tables, pulling some words together in a particular context (usually keying off of one or more of the five senses to describe a particular element) and let my mind wander. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes not. But each time I go down the road, I end up with something unique.
What's your favorite method? I'm always looking for new ways to spark my brain in new ways!!
Moebius Adventures