moebiusfitz's page

7 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I have to admit a part of me likes the idea of a PC obituary section, but another part of me is put off by the idea of a DM kill list. That's an odd dichotomy.

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Terquem - thanks for the link!

DungeonmasterCal - I love armchair archaeology/anthropology myself, so I'm with you there. New stuff is discovered almost daily it seems that's easily adaptable to gaming. :) And music and books (fiction, nonfiction) offer all sorts of fun inspiration for me as well.

Happy to see some kindred spirits on the forums. :)

Dover Pro, what do you find most inspiring about the Beginner's Box or Core Rulebook or 1E rules? Are there sections you find yourself going back to again and again? I'm obviously a huge fan of random tables - what are your favorites in 1E?

Kobold Cleaver, what are "GM Kill Boards"? I've not heard of those.

Booze can sometimes be a fine inspiration to loosen up the brain cells. I've even seen the saying "Write drunk. Edit sober." but I'm not a fan of the method myself. :)

And Terquem, that's a lot of writing! I'm not nearly that productive. I probably write 1000-2000 words a day in a variety of things on a good day. :)

Terquem - I find that hard to believe. I'm inspired constantly by the world around me as well as what I read or watch. What about your creations becomes banal and pointless? The act of creation is always worthwhile.

Hi all,

My name is Brian Fitzpatrick, but please call me Fitz. I'm the guy behind Moebius Adventures, a small RPG publisher producing system-neutral supplements to help inspire your muse (you can check them out here). But that's not why I'm writing today.

I'm curious. What do YOU use to inspire your game content as GMs and players? Is it all visual? Do you use music to get in a creative mood? Do you rely on random rolls and tables to kick things off? What do you use to get in that creative mode to write up descriptions, encounters, NPCs, adventures, and more?

Personally, my brain is full of bizarre connections. So I leverage those by coming up with random tables, pulling some words together in a particular context (usually keying off of one or more of the five senses to describe a particular element) and let my mind wander. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes not. But each time I go down the road, I end up with something unique.

What's your favorite method? I'm always looking for new ways to spark my brain in new ways!!

Moebius Adventures

Hey there...

We're rebooting a campaign and I'm thinking about creating a low level (3 levels) multi-class thief (1st)/ranger (2nd) character. The character lost a hand (got caught stealing) and has been learning to adjust.

The question is this... As a ranger, would he be able to:

1) Come up with some prosthetic that would double as a blade for dual-weapon wielding?

or 2) Come up with some prosthetic that would allow him to fire a bow?

I've seen in the archives some discussion about mages losing a hand or tongue. But didn't see anything in particular about a fighter-type losing a hand.

Any help would be great!
