I started this discussion on Rules Questions as it was a question related to where rules on large weapons and restricted spaces might be found. Turns out, there aren't any ... so I posted a proposed home brew solution. It didn't get a lot of replies and now (I'm a new forum user) I've seen a House Rules board ... so I'm transferring my proposed solution over here. I'd really like some feedback ... let me know your feelings on it and any possible improvements you can see:
Confined Spaces and Combat:
Combat penalties are determined by adding weapon length to character height or width (based on restrictive space) and then dividing the space available by that number to achieve a ratio. A character's width is considered to be 1/3rd of his or her height so long as they are generally of human proportions. The ratio is then checked on a small table for penalty. In the case of both height and width restrictions, the most restrictive ratio is used, the two ratios do not 'stack'.
Example calculation: I have a 6 foot tall character wielding a 5 foot long two-handed sword. This character is walking through a corridor 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide. My height ratio is 8/11 = ~0.73 and my width ratio is 5/7 = ~0.71. Taking the most restrictive ratio, 0.71, I consult the table below for my penalty and see that I will receive a -2 to both attack and damage.
1.00 or greater -- No penalty
0.75 - 0.99 -- -1 Attack/Damage
0.50 - 0.74 -- -2 Attack/Damage
0.25 - 0.49 -- -4 Attack/Damage
Less than 0.25 -- Weapon cannot be used
Special Rules:
* Thrusting weapons (spears, daggers, most piercing weapons) are treated as having 'zero' weapon length because of their nature to be used in a way that neither requires height or width.
* Bows and thrown weapons are treated as thrusting weapons.
* Crossbows and guns are immune to all confined space weapon restrictions due to their compact nature and trigger-activated mechanisms (though reloading may be an issue in particularly tight spaces).
* The above chart does require calculation, but generally a DM will know well before the game session whether or not characters will enter confined spaces and be able to jot down a few notes on expected penalties beforehand.
* Yes, slashing weapons can be used in a thrusting-only manner as most of them have pointy tips, but it is still not the 'natural' way to use the weapon and so, I feel, deserves penalty.
* I'm not sure that restricted height should matter as much as restricted width as full overhead swings are not terribly common, though partial overhead (diagonal cuts) would seem quite common. Perhaps height calculations should only take 1/2 the weapon length into account? Or does that take things into the 'too complicated' category?
* Anything I'm missing?