
mcgeedis's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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My witch just hit 9th level, so you what that means... feat time!

I plan on getting Split Hex, but that has a 10th level prerequisite (don't get me started about feats having prereq's of 10th level when you don't get feats at 10). Our DM allows us to retrain one thing a level, so for now, I think I am going to have fun with Quicken Spell and Ill Omen (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/ill-omen). This will help with near guarantees of Misfortune/Evile Eye/Slumber hexes and almost any other SoL spells.

I will play with this combo for at least one level, but in the meantime, are there any other first level spells to consider to apply toward Quicken Spell? Maybe Ray of Enfeeblement, but none of the others jump out right now. Did I miss one?

I am also open to a different feat right as well. Maybe Ability Focus on Misforune or Slumber. DM does allow this Monster feat. My with has a 23 INT right now so saves are already high. Any other feats come to mind? Already have Improved Inititiative and Improved Familiar, but anything else?