Sajan Gadadvara

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RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Here's the situation. Our group rolled for a special Template. We are starting Carrion Crown. I don't know anything about it so NO SPOILERS!!!

Here's the special template:
1. All stats start at 22
2. Nothing can modify my stats (no spells/items), nothing.
3. My stats go up by 1/2 per level. So level 2, all stats will be 23.
4. I am Gestalt.

I was thinking of Aasimar but the ability bonus's would not apply. 20pt racial builds and under.

I already said that I am going Paladin all the way (maybe oath of vengance). So that takes up one part of my gestalt. I wanted to go Monk 1 level. And then Blossoming Cleric possibly the rest of the way.

My concept was Jesus Christ. So he will be a champion to the people and help those in need. Being a bad ass in combat and blessing/healing. All with no armor. I didn't want Enlightened Paladin because it stunts my Smite Evil ability and changes a few other things. Which god?

I tossed around a Kensai Magus after the monk level as well. Or Sacred Fist Warpriest instead of monk.

What does the masses think? The goal is not to be OP, I already am with my stats. But some good solid builds. But all builds are welcome.

My game starts THIS SUNDAY!!! I have plenty of time till level 2, I'm just trying to get some ideas...