madman's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts (14 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

The map in this adventure has a 5' grid but everything looks drawn for the 10' darker squares.

Is it just me?
which one is the intended grid?


Come join a game with us July 20-22. 72 hours of virtual Table Top Gaming using Fantasy Grounds 2.
Try out the software,or maybe just get some questions answered. Test drive it while enjoying an online game of Pathfinder, or Pathfinder Society. Maybe a system you have been wanting to try out and not had the chance.
Stop by and just say hi! Hope to talk to some of you there!


here is a link to some information.

I would like to get some help on a question.

Does a 50% and 20% miss chance end up like this.

if i roll a 49 i still hit or would a 49 be a miss, the same goes for 20% so is a 21 a miss and a 19 a hit.

and how would you rule it in your game. since the avg. die roll is 1/2+ then i would say that a 20 and a 50 would miss and a 21 and a 51 would hit.

Please this is a problem in a game i'm in and would love to hear from everyone on this.


some of you have to use Fantasy Grounds TO PLAY.

I am looking for players and Dm's.
surely it is worth spending 20.00 to play through some of these.

Check it out here Fantasy Grounds as this is wonderful software for roleplaying.

The Exchange

i am looking for players in Durango, co area.
for either fantasy grounds of face to face games. i will DM or play.
And you do not have to be in the area to play via Fantasy Grounds.
some of you must use Fantasy Grounds 2 to play. So hit me up.


The Exchange

so i am wanting to get some people who want to play and DM so we all can take turns with the load and switch off DM'n duties.
I think this would make for a great gaming group.
i have the first 12 PSS's so nobody needs to put up any cash for some time.

We would be using Fantasy Grounds 2, and Playing during the week, mondays is best for me, and we have 4 people total so far.

so if anybody has some love for this, let me know

looking for players for a second darkness campaign i am going to start and was wondering if anyone here was at all up for that, i will be using fantasy grounds to play, it would be sat nights at 6:30 -7GMT.
looking for players that like to have a good joking time. this is all about having fun. have run through 4 of the RotRL and i am running a CotCT as well. want to do this once a week. and i am looking forward to getting to know some new people


the link on the fantasy grounds website is