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![]() Pregenerated Char Tiers Gallery I can take this down if it breaks any rules. Just tossed this together in Sketch from my old PDF ![]()
Hey content team! Just chiming in that I would love to see a piece of fluff. I've been making binders for each season for my store and would love to have nice front and back cover art. I usually just try to resize the Season AP art but it always looks sad. I would love to see a piece that I could use for the Season binders and other promotional material. I end up making FB event cover photos my slapping the Scenario name below the Adventure name. https://www.dropbox.com/sc/mcwrc4vweex0b9o/AADLzJmgSYY3ab-KXYgW4v-4a Having actually OP assets to use to promote the play group would be awesome! We saw an uptick in our event attendance replies when we started including artwork so things looked cooler in players FB feeds You guys always have such good art, help me use it to draw even more players in! ![]()
![]() Herein lie the guild records of the Comics & Gaming Outpost Fairfax Guild Chapter. We chronicle our activities so that our glorious Adventure Guild may be pushed forever onwards to new heights. Knowledge is power. We commit our knowledge and power to the guild. Entry 0
Entry 1
Luckily one of the company we sent forth managed to escape, Agent Merisel. Merisel jumped into a lifeboat and rowed away, after.... "reacquiring" guild property left behind by the fallen agents. Merisel happened upon Agent Kyra emerging from a small shrine. Kyra had been dispatched to the islands previously in a seperate company who had left her to study at a strange island. The two reunited and reported they paddled and paddled until they came to the shores of Mendev. Merisel returned to the local Guild Hall while Agent Kyra felt her holy calling was to assist this land with their growing demonic possession. Agent Kyra was reinforced by Agent Wu-Shen and Agent Radillo, fresh from the Guild Academy. The company visited the Temple of Iomeade to stock up on supplies and information. The party helped the temple paladins defeat a Wight that had encroached far further into the buffer than previously thought. Quickly passing through the citadel and removing a hunting Brimorak from the location, the company trekked farther into the Worldwound. In what Kyra is calling a stroke of divine luck from Iomeade, the company managed to corner the orchestrator of this renewed incursion in a battle scarred canyon. The company launched into battle with the demon calling itself Savash and after a pitched fight, was able to mete out justice to this foe. The company was able to successfully withdraw from the encounter and returned to the Guild Hall with some spoils from the battle field which have been recorded and chronicled into the armory. The current demonic alliance between the undead and the demonic forces lies broken. For how long, we do not know. We urge all adventuring companies to be prepared for tests of skill and challenges of combat if encountering any other such dark alliances. I feel we have a long and ardous campaign ahead of us in Mendev. However the Guild will not shrink back in the face of this danger. Their kingdom turns to us to assist with their plight. As always, we shall answer the call for champions. All glory to the Guild.
((My local group loved my session report so posting it over here too. Taking a bit of RP license with the OP format, but hey! Its all about fun right?!)) ![]()
![]() So can I go on record and say that Tanis, and Vic and Mike responding directly to player threads, is one of the reasons I keep picking up PACG product even if my groups only last for 3 adventures? The connection and rapport between this team and its playerbase feels so much more natural and stronger than other gaming products I play. Sometimes its only a matter of hours of ambiguity instead of months. I know you guys have tons to do to keep things running, I'm grateful that talking to us is somewhere on that list ^_^ ,\/,, To keep this on topic, I think I read in a blog post that there will be a guide update or apendix for running Season 0 and Season 1 at the same time? As I'm starting an Adventure Guild chapter this week with a brand new playerbase, this is something Im interested in as some players want to just be current and others want to play all seasons. Any news on this? Was it already covered somewhere? ![]()
![]() Hey guildmates! I'll be starting up the ACG for NoVA and since it will be my first time being the organizer for PACGOP, I was hoping there were some lessons you all have learned that you could pass on. So what is your one tip that you would give to organizers starting a new ACG chapter? Can be about anything related to PACG OP, but you can only give one tip! Hopefully this thread will be useful to others out there thinking about, or just starting, their own ACG chapter. The one thats helped me the most so far is, advertise your game in store and on social media. Followed second by, get an organizer that can hold a sleeved set. ![]()
![]() It is, which is why I was wondering if anyone had advice on any scenarios which were similar in goal to the second and 3rd, so I can get my players a bit of experience with the crawl and "overland romping" (like that phrase, totally using it) So here's what looks to be my initial scheduling 8/25 Week (-3) - First Steps: In Service to Lore [[SOFT LAUNCH OF PFS CHAPTER]] 9/01 Week (-2) - First Steps: To Delve a Dungeon Deep (no credit but get more familiar with system) 9/08 Week (-1) - First Steps: Vision of Betrayal (no credit but get more familiar with system) 9/15 Week 1 - Frostfur Captives (3-01) [[REAL LAUNCH OF PFS CHAPTER And Scheduled Event]] 9/22 Week 2 - Mists of Mwangi (0-05) 9/29 Week 3 - Rise of the Goblin Guild (4-01) 10/06 Week 4 - Voice in the Void (1-35) 10/13 Week 5 - Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (3-21) 10/20 Week 6 - The Penumbral Accords (2-11) 10/27 Week 7 - FLEXIBLE TO BUMP SCHEDULE FOR THANKSGIVING else We Be Goblins 11/02 Week 8 - Echos of the Overwatched (3-07) 11/09 Week 9 - The Quest for Perfection Part 1: The Edge of Heaven (3-09) 11/16 Week 10 - The Quest for Perfection Part 2: On Hostile Waters (3-11) 11/23 Week 11 - The Quest for Perfection Part 3: Defenders of the Nesting Swallow (3-13) EDITS - 1) Moved Temple to Week 5 based on reviews and sandbox nature This schedule is an attempt to introduce the players to many different facets of the world but also give them a recurring theme. I like Katie's suggestion of the Blakros Museum scenarios so the PCs are headed there every other session to give them something familiar. I have the Quest for Perfection slated for the end of the tail end of the tier 1-5 scenarios, running three weeks in a row. For anyone who has run this line Is it possible to break this chain up or should I leave it as is on the schedule as I saw the scenario descrips say to play each after the other. |