Cleric of Iomedae

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So, I've mostly played DnD/Pathfinder as far as tabletop gaming goes, but I've started to grow more interested in miniature wargaming. Without too much thought toward ruleset or professionalism (any games I'd be playing would most likely be casual and with friends, not in any convention context), what's the best way to cheaply begin to amass a large collection of miniatures suitable for wargaming? Any general advice about this kind of thing?

It's very likely that my players in an upcoming Golarion game will have a run in with Mengkare on Hermea. Just to clarify... is it meant to be up to interpretation whether Mengkare's "Glorious Endeavor" is actually good-intentioned, or is Mengkare out-and-out a Big Bad Good Guy. The assumption would be that he, a Gold Dragon, would be Lawful Good, but Hermea is stated as being a Neutral nation. As I'm planning him right now, I'm essentially making him Jacob from LOST, but a dragon.

Has it ever been established what the major language/s of Iobaria is/are? I know it was founded by Ulfen explorers, but if I were to include a Iobarian NPC, or include the player option of hailing from Iobaria, has it been set in stone what Iobarians speak, and whether or not they'd be considered Ulfen still, or something else? I'm not just looking for any official word on this - for those that have included Iobaria or Iobarian PCs/NPCs in their game, how have you gone about it?

I'm interested in creating a Kellid character - what are the best current sources for information on Kellid lands/culture? They seem to be thus far the least-developed of the major ethnicities, and I guess I'm a bit confused about how large and consequential of a group they are. Much thanks! :)