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Hi so I was looking at and building a Magus and I was wondering something about how Corrosive Consumption interacts with Spellstrike and Maximize Spell.

Corrosive Consumption states: With a touch, this spell causes a small, rapidly growing patch of corrosive acid to appear on the target. On the first round, the acid deals 1 point of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15). On the second round, the acid patch grows and deals 1d4 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d4). On the third and final round, the acid patch covers the entire creature and deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). The target can spend a full-round action to scrape off the acid, or can wash it off with at least 1 gallon of liquid to halve the damage for that round and negate the remaining rounds of the spell.

Now when you use this will spellstrike and confirm a crit, is ALL the damage multiplied by two? or is it just the first 15 damage. Also are you able to use Maximized Spell with this spell (Maximizing the d4 and d6 damage).

So more or less if I crit and Maximize (using arcana) will my spell do (Im lvl 15)

A. 30 round 1, 120 round 2, 180 round 3 (Maximize + all multiplied by crit)
B. 30 round 1, 60 round 2, 90 round 3 (Maximize + crit only on initial damage)
C. 30 round 1 15d4 round 2, 15d6 round 3 (Crit only on initial damage maximize does not apply)
D. 30 round 1, 15d4 x2 round 2, 15d6 x2 round 3 (Crit on all damage maximize does not apply)

Thank you in advance for your help.

So i've been looking for some kind of conformation on this and I couldnt find anything. Under Oracle's it says "Oracles do not need to provide a divine focus to cast spells that list divine focus (DF) as part of the components."

True Resurrection requires V, S, M, DF (diamond worth 25,000 gp)

Does this mean while it costs and oracle 25,000 gold to cast true res, it cost an oracle nothing more than 10 min of time? Both me and my DM have been looking at this and it SEEMS right as far as the rules are written but feels a bit... unintentional?