jumpet's page

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The High Handcrafter PrC details in the hardcover gains the ability to summon earth elementals (as per summon monster V). This ability description makes no mention of uses per day. Is the intent of this ability meant to be that the High Handcrafter can summon earth elementals at will?

Ok, I'm pulling my hair out. This letter is almost unreadible. The font is extremely difficult to read! I've managed to understand most of it, but some key words still escape me. Has anyone translated this letter? I'm afraid my decipher script skill just isn't up to it.

In the HC SCAP there is a store that sells treasure maps. As anyone done anything with this? The book suggests that there is no garauntee on the authenticity of these maps. So has anyone used a map sold from this shop to lead the party to a real treasure horde? Perhaps to tie in with the AP?

One thing is bothering me about Jzadirune. The Vanishing is relatively recent in history. How is it then that the vanishing and the fate of the gnomes is not common knowledge (I think it was DC 20/25 history check?). Further more, why is the only entrance a secret door coming up through a shop in Cauldron? Was this a secret society of gnomes? Where infact did these gnomes live? (The map doesn't look like it could house a whole society of gnomes). Did Ghelves locks used to be some sort of guild or gate house for Jzadirune?
Also did the dwarves of Malachite fortress suffer the same fate as the gnomes and 'vanished'?
I'm just trying to workout what pre-campaign background info I should give the players.

I've just bought and started reading this adventure. I regularly see mention of the skulk, spell weaver and kopru. I can't seem to find a description of them. I don't own mm2 or mm3 but the book says I don't really need these. So what do these creatures look like?