jthilo's page

88 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

The Atom feed for a user's recent posts is titled "paizo.com Recent Rosts by <user>" (in the XML file itself, not on the web pages).

Edit: also, the "less than" sign didn't get properly HTML-escaped in this post.


I've noticed that the ampersand ("&amp;") and less-than ("&lt;") characters are not properly HTML-escaped when we include them in our posts. I didn't find anything on the site explaining that users are supposed to escape them manually, and people who don't know HTML probably won't realize they're doing anything wrong.

Right: &amp; &lt; (I escaped these manually)
Wrong: & < (the way many people will type them)

I'd include an HTML validator link for this post, but I think all the other HTML errors would obscure the appropriate messages. :-)

When I'm reading a block of text (in a product description, messageboard post, etc.) I frequently miss noticing links because they're not underlined and their color is not very distinct from the plain text color (black). It's not an issue for things like navigation blocks where just about everything is a link, or for generated tabular content in which you know where to expect links.

Given a choice, I'd prefer having them underlined instead of brightly colored. I overrode the settings in my browser to use the default link colors, and they're a bit jarring compared to the rest of this site's style.

For what it's worth, I use LCD displays exclusively; maybe the color change is less subtle on CRTs? Does anybody else find links in plain text hard to spot? I stuck a link in this post, and I still almost missed it, despite knowing where it is.

I know that the current printings of the Player's Handbook say "Special Edition" in the printing information on the copyright page (I've got one such copy) and contain some corrections not in earlier printings. Has the same thing been done yet with the Dungeon Master's Guide or Monster Manual and if so, is that what I would get if I ordered these books through the Paizo store? (I'm not looking for the $75 leatherbound books, just regular hardcover books with the updated content.)

Greetings all,

Our Shackled City D&D campaign would like to add one to three more players. For more information, please see:


Shameless search keywords: Saylorsburg is in Monroe County, Pennsylvania and is near East Stroudsburg, but our current players will be coming from the Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton area, so Lehigh and Northampton Counties are also reasonable starting points.