The Beast

james griffiths's page

2 posts (94 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

This brings me to two questions for the Pathfinder crew (and anyone else with creative input to offer.)

1.Where is a good location for the Crystal Rift's (from Xeph's racial description, XPH,) placement in Varisia?

2.Do psionics have a role in Golarion? (not just a sly way of asking if there will be psionic content in future Pathfinders... ;)

Ok, I lied. One more question. My group will not have an arcane caster it seems. Is there any part upcoming in the first adv path that will need some close scrutiny as far as this goes?

Thanx in advance!

I just placed my order for the month to month subscription of Pathfinder. The shopping cart made no mention of the free player's guide, and when I tried to add it, it seemed to charge me for it, so I removed it.

The invoice also made on mention of the guide. Is it an automatic freebie, or do you have to add it to your cart?
