insideitall's page

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Wow, my first post and such wonderful responses!
I get to start my character at level 9, so my bluff is pretty high which is good.

But i did what some of you suggested and just spoke to my brother, he said as long as i'm not malicious with my lies, we should get along.

Hey guys, Now forewarning i'm still pretty fresh to Pathfinder so forgive any ignorance i portray.

A member of my brothers group had to drop from the campaign, and i'm filling in the spot.
I will be playing a Rouge, and i want to play my character up as a bullshit artist.
Tales of great deeds I've never done, boasting of great wealth whilst being poor ect.
Trouble is my brother is playing a Paladin and has pretty much advised me not to lie to him, which throws my characters idea out the window.

Is there a way i can play this type of character out with a Paladin breathing down my neck?

Maybe if i get caught out on my lies i can water them down to the Paladin.

For example i say "I once killed 10 goblins blindfolded" and if the Paladin catches me out i can say something like "Well, metaphorically blindfolded"