Scuba diver

imthedci's page

Goblin Squad Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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CRITTER wants to learn GUARD but CRITTER already knows 4 tricks! Should a trick be forgotten to make space for GUARD?'

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I know this is a touchy subject for some (try to be respectful you post please). I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and made a chart comparing the two. Most of them aren't actually that far off; others have a bit of a difference. (And for those wondering, PM is short for piecemeal.)

Kit: 40g; 24 lb.
PM: 41g, 8s, 1c; 82 lb.

Kit: 9g; 26 lb.
PM: 8g, 9s, 1c; 29 lb.

Kit: 41g; 33-1/2 lb.
PM: 41g, 8s, 1c; 36-1/2 lb.

Kit: 23g; 112 lb.
PM: 25g, 9s, 6c; 126 lb.

Kit: 16g; 32 lb.
PM: 16g, 8s, 1c; 46 lb.

Kit: 14g; 44 lb.
PM: 14g, 3s, 6c; 83 lb.

Kit: 9g; 29 lb.
PM: 9g, 7s, 1c; 42 lb.

Kit: 26g; 31 lb.
PM: 27g, 7s; 44-1/2 lb.

Kit: 30g; 34 lb.
PM: 31g, 8s, 1c; 48 lb.

Kit: 22g; 31 lb.
PM: 22g, 8s, 1c; 45 lb.

Kit: 8g; 22 lb.
PM: 8g, 1s, 1c; 35 lb.

Kit: 9g; 29 lb.
PM: 9g, 7s, 1c; 42 lb.

Kit: 11g; 30 lb.
PM: 11g, 7s, 1c; 43 lb.

Kit: 9g; 28 lb.
PM: 9g, 7s, 1c; 42 lb.

Kit: 50g; 37 lb.
PM: 52g, 8s, 1c; 54-1/2 lb.

Kit: 8g; 19 lb.
PM: 7g, 7s, 1c; 32 lb.

Kit: 8g; 19 lb.
PM: 7g, 7s, 1c; 32 lb.

Kit: 21g; 21 lb.
PM: 22g, 1c; 35 lb.

Kit: 21g; 21 lb.
PM: 21g, 8s, 1c; 35 lb.

As you can see, the Alchemist and the Druid have the biggest discrepancies in weight (58 lb and 39 lb more if you get the stuff piecemeal respectively).

Another oddity is that the Barbarian's Kit is the only kit where you lose money by taking the kit over buying the stuff piecemeal (9c more expensive). Not really enough to count for anything, but it's still odd.

The only other odd thing that I found while making this chart is that the Gunslinger's Kit is the only one that doesn't come with soap. This doesn't really make any sense. Is there a reason for that?

If I got any of the numbers wrong, please let me know.