hnlockwood's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts (66 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Scarab Sages

I'm playing a two-weapon-fighting barbarian (human, no archetype). Currently she wields twin shortswords, with weapon finesse and 14 STR, 19 DEX. She's level 3 at the moment, and her one rage power is Reckless Abandon.

Thematically, she's a character who's more likely to bluff than fight, but when she does fight she goes all out to kill as fast as possible. I'm looking for rage powers that match that: power optimisation is NOT a concern, though power not-sucking would be nice.

Which ones would you recommend? The Beast Totem series look decent, but beyond that I'm at a loss.

Scarab Sages

Greetings all

My group is just coming to the end of City of Golden Death (we've probably got 2 more sessions' worth of material), and I'm wondering what to run next. They've been sufficiently converted to Pathfinder that I could sell them on the idea of an AP, but they're likely to want to keep their current characters. So here's my dilemma.

Option 1: run more modules, trying to string together some sort of reason for the PCs to get involved.
Option 2: generate new characters and start an AP.
Option 3: try to rewrite an AP such that their existing characters (level 5) can play it.

I want to run an AP, partly because they're great and partly because I've already spent the money on them and not on modules; how much work do you reckon it would be to "fix" Kingmaker or Serpent's Skull to work for a party starting at L5?

Many thanks


Here's the situation. I have a group of gaming friends whom I only get to see once or twice a year, and we play a few short adventures. I am likely to run one, and I'm looking for something that will take 6-8 hours to run. I'd like it to be quite self-contained.

My big question is: should I go for a Module or a Scenario? I'm aware that Scenarios are part of the organised play system, but none of the others have played Pathfinder before and I'll be leaving Society out of it for this one.

Recommendations on people's favourite modules etc. are not essential, as I'm likely to browse a lot anyway, but feel free to chip in.

Many thanks!

Well, I've started running CoT on a play-by-post site, and everyone seems to be having fun so far. I have two groups, each of 5 players, and both are sat areound a table talking with Janiven.

Group A is all being very well-behaved; one is saying "do you actually have a plan, or are you going with optimism and opportunism?". Most of the rest are saying "yes, let's do it!".

Group B is apparently full of cynics. The main grumbler is the rogue, who states that "freedom" will just lead to fewer opportunities to make money due to reprisals from the nobility whenever they are crossed. He's asking Janiven for payment up-front for his services, which she doesn't have.

I'm wary of just introducing the Hellknights to force the party together; they're bright enough to see that as railroading. On the other hand, I need to get the characters invested in the plot. So what do I do?

I love Pathfinder. I've only recently started playing it, but I love it to bits.

What would be really cool, in my opinion, would be a few excerpts/previews. Back in the old 3.5e days, Wizards used to publish an excerpt from impending sourcebooks (a feat or two, an item, and usually the entire table of contents). I haven't seen anything like that around here; am I simply looking in the wrong places? If it's not there, is there a reason you don't do it?

I ask because I don't have enough money to buy everything Paizo publish :( and because I'd like to get the most (subjective) bang for my buck.