
hjorhrafn's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I bought only the pdf of issue 1, and while the multiple files gave me a bit of a pause at first, I'm definitely in favor of keeping the files broken up like this. Loading/scrolling time isn't much of an issue, even an work, but like others, being able to make multiple directories once there are more issues will be a major benefit for me.

I'm also in favor of being able to choose whether to download the single file version, the multiple file version, or both.

I was on the fence between running RotRL and "Demonweb Pits" for my group. This recording pushed me squarely into preparing RotRL. I'll be letting you know how my group reacts to actually hearing the ravenous runts singing. Thanks to you and your wife.