Dwarven Trader

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Playing an alchemist and have terrible Will saves. What are some good items that can protect me against some (or all) spells that target Will saves? No budget here.

Some items I've come across:

1. Bracelet of Seducer's Bane gives +5 Will vs. enchantment effects.
2. Ring of Spell Turning is a good catch-all.
3. Cap of the Free Thinker allows me to reroll a failed Will save.
4. Ring of Refusal gives +2 on saves vs. enchantment spells and effects and gives SR 25 vs. one enchantment spell or effect.
5. Ring of Counterspells is good if you can set up beforehand.
6. Cloak of Resistance, of course.
7. Scarab of Protection is a pricey but effective block against death, energy-draining and negative effects + spell resistance 20.
8. Protection from [alignment] potions

Will saves are problematic for me, so I'm willing to dump quite a bit of money for some protection :)

I was thinking of giving my eidolon extra limbs to hold weapons. Will they benefit from multiattack? If not, how do you calculate their attack bonus?

I'm playing in a campaign tomorrow as a 16th level summoner. My eidolon will be my primary source of damage, and I am likely to ride it (it will be size Huge). What will be my biggest threats/obstacles and what can I do to avoid them? I have the normal starting gold amount for a 16th level character.

EDIT: This is a homebrew campaign, so I don't know anything about my enemies. However, my DM mentioned making a sorcerer and, as my character is a gnome, something about fading?

I built the Plane Touched to replace the 3.5 Arcane Hierophant, finding that a simple conversion of the class was redundant with the PF Mystic Theurge. The Plane Touched relies heavily on its champion - a beast created by polymorphing former animal companions, familiars, and/or eidolons - but is still a formidable spellcaster. Wizards, sorcerers, summoners, druids, and potentially other classes granted a companion will easily meet the Plane Touched requirements.

I'm looking for a new set of eyes to look over the class for balance. Any suggestions for scaling down or up, for new abilities or elements will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

The Plane Touched

I'm playing a one-shot on Thursday with a first level melee character (using Core and the APG). What are the most exciting class and/or feats I could use? I was thinking of going human fighter for the feats, but want to see what you guys think first!

I've recreated the arcane hierophant but need a name for a creature made by polymorphing an animal companion with an eidolon, a familiar with an eidolon, or an animal companion with a familiar.

Any ideas? I was thinking paragon, but would like to see what you guys think.

I would like to reshape the 3.5 Arcane Hierophant to be a prestige class that honors the summoning and buffing capabilities of the conjuration wizard and druid.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks
Spells: Able to cast 1st level arcane spells and 2nd level divine spells.
Special: Wild Shape class feature.
Special: Animal companion
Special: Augment Summoning

This allows early entree into the class (~level 5).

To emphasize and set the Arcane Hierophant apart from other dedicated summoners, I would like to add Spell Reach:

Spell Reach: At 1st level, the Arcane Hierophant can use touch-based spells at up to a 15' range when the target is either the Arcane Hierophant's animal companion or a creature summoned by the Arcane Hierophant. The Arcane Hierophant does not benefit from Share Spell when using Spell Reach.

At level 3, the Arcane Hierophant gains Cultivate. This ability replaces Channel Animal.

Cultivate: When an Arcane Hierophant casts a spell on his animal companion, the Arcane Hierophant may choose to copy the spell for one creature within 10' of the animal companion. He may target an additional creature at levels 5, 7, and 9 (up to a maximum of four at level 9). The Arcane Hierophant may only target creatures he has summoned using Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally. Spells used to cause damage cannot be copied by Cultivate.

To replace Channel Plant, the Arcane Hierophant gains a modified version of the Mystic Theurge's Spell Synthesis:

Spell Synthesis: At 10th level, the Arcane Hierophant can cast two spells, one from each of his spellcasting classes, using one action. Both of the spells must have the same casting time. The Arcane Hierophant can make any decisions concerning the spells independently. However, because of the Arcane Hierophant's commitment to its animal companion and summoned creatures, spells cast using Spell Synthesis may not directly or indirectly affect enemies, such as Fireball or Entangle. This ability may be used three times per day.

I'm not sure if the 10th level Spell Synthesis is too strong, too weak, or too much MOAR BUFFS.

What are your thoughts on the changes? I was thinking of giving a summoning-based feat at levels 3 and 7, but thought that would be too much.

My DM is letting me be an Arcane Hierophant, even though he doesn't like the idea of 3.5 books bleeding into Pathfinder. Is there a fast way of getting into Arcane Hierophant using PF books, or a way that uses the bare minimum of material from 3.5?

I've scoured my book and Paizo for the answer, but can't seem to find it.

How do you calculate how much a staff would cost to construct or cost to buy from a merchant?

I'm looking at the Summon Nature's Ally and Summon Monster lists and don't see many options of creatures that can swallow whole, such as the Giant Frog and Purple Wurm.

Are there any others? Do I have any spell options that can give the Swallow Whole ability?

My DM is allowing me to play an Arcane Hierophant using the Pathfinder convert shown here: http://rpg.divnull.com/wiki/index.php/Arcane_Hierophant_%28Pathfinder%29

I'm envisioning a summoner type hierophant, that utilizes Summon Nature's Ally and Summon Monster, as well as buff spells, to create an arsenal of powerful and useful monsters to use in and out of combat.

I am permitted to use a size small elf. My plan is for him to ride his animal companion leopard for mobility and style.

However, I'm not sure how smart of an idea it is to have a spellcaster on an animal companion that will be in melee. Is there anything I can do to prevent me from getting my butt kicked while mounted on my companion? Also, any build suggestions? I am brand new to the class.

I am allowed to use any material from the Pathfinder books, but nothing from 3.5.

Thank you in advance :)

I started playing a Wizard a couple weeks ago and have fallen in love with such spells as Ray of Enfeeblement, Enervation, Bestow Curse, and Slow.

Thus, for my next character I'd like debuffing to be the focal point of my build. I was wondering, however, which class is best at debuffing (such as ability damage/penalties and/or attack roll, AC, and save penalties). Any pointers? I'm working with PF Core and the APG.

Thank you in advance!