hgsolo |

So I am making a half-elf mystic theurge for an upcoming campaign. He is going to worship Nethys and probably have the protection (defense) and destruction (catastrophe) domains, and be an evocation specialist wizard. What I am working on now is his alignment and motivations.
The DM says we will be traveling the planescape (I don't know if he is planning on using the planescape setting or what precisely). My DM doesn't want any evils, but I can easily see this guy going any of the other alignments possible for a follower of Nethys. True neutral could be a strict proponent of universal balance (which I quite like), CN could be a force of nature, LN could be a sort of karmic enforcer, and NG could be the defender of the innocent. I just need some help picking one, and coming up with some interesting motivations for my guy. Any ideas?
*Edit: I'm also willing to consider changing my domains/specialty if it fits with a good concept. The way I see it, no matter what alignment he is, he will be somewhat power-hungry, I just don't know what he would do wit his power yet.