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Hi! About to start running SoG as my first PF AP after many many years of running 5e games. There’s a brief line about introducing a new PC to Willowshore if an existing one dies, and it doesn’t make much sense to me, which has me thinking I’m misunderstanding some fundamental mechanic of how the mindscape works.

On page 7 of “The Summer That Never Was” in the “Death in Willowshore” sidebar, it says: “This new PC…could be an adventurer who stumbled into the region back in 7108 and who arrived in Willowshore with a strange gap in their memory between the first day of summer and the current date in your campaign…”

What would be the reason for this gap? If the text is saying they arrived prior to the ritual on the 1st day of summer, 7108, their memories would get reset each loop; there’s no difference to how anyone else in Willowshore would experience time. If they arrived after the ritual, wouldn’t Willowshore already be gone, and there’s no established way for them to have entered the mindscape?

The only thing I can think the text is trying to say is that they entered the mindscape at some point after the ritual, and each loop they get reset… to where their memories were on the 1st day of summer 7108, even though they weren’t in Willowshore yet, causing a gap? But I don’t know if that’s the intention, since the AP also says people who enter the mindscape after are “visitors” who retain their memories.

Or am I overthinking this? Any help is appreciated!