About 'Ţhųńdèręr'Powers
Josef Aganarsson's great-grandfather and great-grandmother came to the United States from Norway in the early 1940s. Both Norwegian immigrants came from New York to Grand Rapids, Michigan to take part in the furniture manufacturing boom. Their family prospered having produced children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in the east side of Michigan.
Joe grew up the eldest of two boys and was always interested when his large family would gather and talk about the olds times and family gossip. Sitting in a hearing tales about 'the old country' set a fire in young Josef to learn all he could about his family. One of his favorite tales was one Josef's great-grandfather told him about his grandfather's uncle who was struck by lightning twice in his life and survived to old age. Josef's Uncle Frank, the oldest in his family, was also struck by lightning while fixing a power line at the local power company. For a Christmas present, Uncle Frank bought Josef a membership in ancestry.com when he was 10. Many weekends were spent in analog and digital libraries, researching The Aganarssons throughout recorded history. Around the age of 12, Josef's mutant abilities began top manifest. First in little ways like unknowing touching a loose wire in a lamp and not feeling the shock of electricity, and being able to do unique vocal impersonations. To producing shocks of electricity when snapping his fingers and silencing his footsteps to almost no noise. Josef developed his abilities in solitude, without telling his family. Also at this time, Josef's family research went back to Norway, via the internet. Josef's found out, thanks to burial rubbings of ancient carns that The family name Aganarsson was from the Son of Aganar. A red-haired warrior from the ancient norse town of Trondheim in South Trøndelag County from about the early 800 ADs. One of the prevailing rumors is that Aganar's mother, Erika The Red, carried on a seasonal romance with the Asgardian god of thunder, Thor as seen in Thor #7, 2018. With this revelation, Josef inadvertently blew out all the electrical devices in his house. Luckily, Josef was able to feign ignorance when his mother and father went to see where the loud electrical boom came from. Josef's abilities where not made public until an ill-fated trip to New York City his high school won an historical essay contest and got to visit the New-York Historical Society Museum & Library. The museum was featuring at the time several ancient archeological artifacts from Caerleon in South Wales, which was an alleged outpost of Camelot. The evil sorceress Morgan le Fay attacked the museum with a small army of animated suits of medieval armor, in hopes of acquiring a magical ring once owned by the wizard, Merlyn. Josef had to use his electrical and sonic powers to defend his fellow classmates from Morgan's armored army, while Spider-man and Doctor Strange teamed-up to ultimately defeat Morgan le Fay. Josef's brave battle was caught on surveillance and network cameras, revealing Josef's abilities to the internet and local and regional news outlets. One ambitious news reporter for The Daily Bugle asked Josef who he was and what was his name. Initially, Aganarsson commented 'Thunderer', but was misheard and was named 'Thunderhead' by the Bugle reporter in all the confusion, which led several government agents to take Josef into custody. After a brief stay in a S.H.I.E.L.D. holding cell for questioning, Josef was released to his wary classmates as the New York trip was cut short thanks to the museum attack.
Backstory, Part II:
Josef Aganarsson, known as 'Thunderhead', began his education at The Xavier Institute at the same time as a more powerful mutant, Quentin Quire, codename: Kid Omega. Josef and Quentin did not get along, which created a rivalry both feel to this day. It was Josef, along with Beast, Cyclops, Emma Frost, and Xorn who helped bring Kid Omega and his Omega Gang to justice.
During a quiet evening at the Institute, Thunderer called on the mutant sorceress supreme of Limbo, Magik, at her quarters. Amused, Illyana let Josef in where he laid out his evidence that Thor might be his ancestor. Aganarsson asked for Magik to use her magic powers to look into the past and confirm or refute Josef's suspensions. Magik said he could do him one better and began to sync her magical ability with her teleportation discs, then teleported both Thunderer and Magik back in time to medieval Trondheim. Illyana used her arcane powers to create illusionary disguises around both mutants to blend in with the small village. After a few misunderstanding and escapes, Magic and Thunderer were able to witness Thor return to Asgard at Odin's behest, then the birth of Erika the Red's half-asgardian son. During this whole adventure, Magik playfully tease Thunderer's need to be heroic like her brother. Satisfied, Josef asked Illyana to return the both of Salem Center in their correct time. When Thunderhead returned to The Xavier Institute, Josef Aganarsson changed his codename to Thunderer in Cerebro, and began to wear more norse and asgardian-influenced costumes. Thunderer briefly left The Xavier Institute during the Siege of Asgard when it floated above Broxton, Oklahoma. Professor X was hesitant to let Thunderer leave, but could tell this was very important to Josef. And so Josef left The Xavier Institute with Professor X's blessing, even offering to fly Josef to Broxton after a class sendoff party. It took some convincing, but Josef was able to convince Heimdall, Thor, and Loki of his honest intentions to serve Asgard. Josef served as a guardsman, directly under Lady Sif. Under her tutelage, Josef began to be good with martial weapons, and enjoyed the comraderie of his asgardian heritage. Because of the events of Siege, Aganarsson never had an opportunity to speak with Thor concerning their shared bloodline. At one point during the battle with the Void entity, Thunderer had to distract The Sentry's darker half for nearly a minute until Thor could recover his hammer. It took all of The Thunderer's training from Lady Sif and The X-men to barely survive. At the celebration party, a bandaged Aganarsson was brought before Thor, who thanked the mortal who risked everything to defend Asgard. The Thunder God himself knighted Josef a true Warrior of Asgard with Mjolnir. Before the end of celebrations at Stark Tower, Aganarsson explained who his ancestors were and that it was confirmed months ago by Magik. This took Thor aback, which led to a vicious fight between Thor and Odin when Asgard was placed back in it's original dimension. Like all of mutantkind, Josef was transported to Krakoa when it became the new mutant country. When Cyclops announce he was creating a new X-Men team, Thunderer readily applied to join. Sadly, Josef was not chosen to become a member of this new team, being one of the multitude mutants who now call Krakoa home. Josef has been what you call restless, unable to join any other the other mutant teams. Currently, Josef helps out in Blob's Tiki Bar on the living island. Personality:
Josef Aganarsson was raised by his big Norwegian family in Grand Rapids, MI. He was taught that hard work was it's own reward and to treat others fairly. His kind nature and muscular physique has endeared him to many of his female teammates and teachers. His interactions with Kid Omega only strengthened his resolve against those who bully others.
Thunderer views Thor as his ideal and strives to live a warrior's life, without overbearing others. Josef has had a chance to meet some of his personal heroes among the X-Men, mainly Beast, who was both and X-Man and Avenger; and Storm, who not only has better control over her lightning power than Thunderer, but also wielded a version of Mjolnir The Uncanny X-Men Annual #9 (1985). Thunderer has distanced himself from Dr. McCoy, ever since Beast took the position of Head of Mutant CIA on Krakoa, becoming less heroic and more machiavellian. Anyone with telepathy could tell Thunderer has a crush on Storm, but Josef knows the odds of Ororo returning such affections are astronomical. Illyana still playfully teases Thunderer whenever both are together, much to Josef's and Colossus's consternation. |