
great melinco's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

A J s Dad wrote:
greatmelinco wrote:

Was curious if you were still looking for 1 more fighter for the campaign... This would be my first PBP game but not my first pathfinder game. If you would allow me to join, please let me know asap :) thank you for your time and consideration.


also would need to know the point buy :) (believe generally its 20 points but not sure)

Thanks for the reply but I have enough now. Will keep you in mind for future though.

:( oh well thanks though... you should see me around forums if you change your mind (just got finished preparing the fighter as I found your original post for the campaign)

Sovereign Court

Was curious if you were still looking for 1 more fighter for the campaign... This would be my first PBP game but not my first pathfinder game. If you would allow me to join, please let me know asap :) thank you for your time and consideration.


also would need to know the point buy :) (believe generally its 20 points but not sure)

Sovereign Court

I am looking to do a PbP game but never done one before... I am rather new to D&D gaming as a whole (only about 1 year in so far) but i have played multiple characters and gm'd 1 module so far live...

I would like to play a sorcerer or monk but am open to playing anything right now...



Sovereign Court

hida_jiremi wrote:
M K 588 wrote:
My PCs were having a tough time of it until the party monk managed to grapple Erylium.

This is basically what happened in my game too. The party druid opened combat by hitting her with faerie fire so that she couldn't go invisible, then she used shatter on the barbarian's axe while some sinspawn were tangling with him, and they were having a devil of a time doing anything to her. Then the halfling oracle pulled out a birdcage from her backpack ("just happened" to have one, thanks to the APG feat), the monk grappled her, and they shoved her into the cage and locked it. Now, the oracle is trying to redeem her. ^_^

Jeremy Puckett

When i was a player for it my party ended up running as all spells were exausted and the rogue failed the summersalt over the well and landed in it... so he turned on us as well as sinspawn on first round... it was a fun fight but needless to say as lvl 2 we all ran, lol

Funny enough im GM'ing glassworks battle and some cata (hopefully all) on tuesday with my new group (since i already played some as a player)