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Organized Play Member. 224 posts (2,493 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.
Crypt of the Everflame DM Panic's PFS: Among the Living Kingmaker Of Kings and Commoners - Kingmaker AP PFS - First Steps 1 of 3, In Service to Lore Princes of the Apocalypse 5E Raise of the Runelords The Runed Citadel #0-04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight [Tier 1-2] (Core) - GM Rutseg (inactive) Citadel of Flame T2 (inactive) The Confirmation Table 2 (inactive) CORE Module - The Master of the Fallen Fortress [Tier 1] - GM Rutseg (inactive) CORE The Confirmation T2 (inactive) Crypt of the Everflame (inactive) DDEX 01-06 The Scroll Thief [5e Adventurers League] (inactive) dead men walking (inactive) DM Mathpro's Carrion Crown (inactive) Dragon's Demand (inactive) The Dungeon Maestro's Reign of Winter Campaign (inactive) G.M.E.W's Intro 1: In Service to Lore (inactive) Gameday 3: The Infernal Vault (inactive) GM Architecture's Iron Gods (inactive) GM Chyro [PFS Season 0] Perils of the Pirate Pact (inactive) GM Chyro [PFS] Frozen fingers of Midnight (inactive) GM Enchanter's #5-08: The Confirmation (inactive) GM Enchanter's Night March of Kalkamedes (inactive) GM Kyshkumen's 6-10 The Wounded Wisp (PFS Core) (inactive) GM ShadowLord's PFS #3-05 Tide of Twilight (PbP Gameday 3) (inactive) GM ShadowLord's PFS #4-11 - The Disappeared (inactive) GM ShadowLord's PFS #4–15: The Cyphermage Dilemma (inactive) GMG's PbP: Quest for Perfection Table A (Tier 1-2) (inactive) The Hidden Vault (inactive) Master of the Fallen Fortress (Table 1) (inactive) The Other Confirmation (inactive) PFS BbP Gameday: 3 #17 Perils of the Pirate Pact (inactive) PFS PbP - Master of the Fallen Fortress (lvl 1) (inactive) PFS PbP - The Confirmation (inactive) PFS PbP 05-08: The Confirmation (inactive) PFS PbP 05-08: The Confirmation (inactive) PFS PbP Master of the Fallen Fortress (The Others) (inactive) Shadows of Numeria (inactive) silent tide 0-1, part of season 0 Marathon. (inactive) WBG2, Munchmeat's farm of horrors. (inactive) [D&D 5e] DM Asmodeus's "Night Below" Campaign (inactive) [PFS Core] GM Shady's The Early Society (inactive) [PFS/DMK] 2-11 The Penumbral Accords - Table II (inactive) [PFS/DMK] 5-08 The confirmation Table 1 (inactive) [PFS] Game Day 3: G.M.E.W In Service to Lore - Table 2 (inactive) [PFS] Mists of Mwangi 0-05 Table A (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 3: GM Harker Presents #3-23 The Goblinblood Dead (inactive) [PFS] Shadow's Last Stand, part 1 + 2 (inactive) [PFS] We Be Goblins (inactive) [PFS_Aerondor] 05-08 - The Confirmation (Jade) (inactive)