Undead Gem

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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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TheTownsend wrote:

The convergence of a tribal diaspora, relearning their ancient faith in conjured beasts.

Wanderers of other realms astride a colossal beast of impenetrable wisdom and resource.
Theater Kids.
"I dunno man, I think we're in a little in over our heads here."
"Nonsense, we are the lorebearers of the greatest empire to ever--"
"That is a mile-long elephant! From another dimension! That kid just summoned a rabbit-snake, and everybody worshiped it! We write poetry!"

Tbf they are also like, training to be spys and s+*%, so like, not totally out of depth, also like, the bard-ier ones are gonna love the campfire story guys, 100%

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She is so fricken cool can no WAIT for this class to come lmao

Love the clowns, but the mirror spell is unironically almost a mechanic I brewed up for a non-caster port of the mesmerist into 2e, and I love that so much because that gave me such good vibes from a designing stand point

If I can find an online game with my timetable I might actually be able to join in from a level 1 game, that would be sick :>