Imper1um wrote:
I've seen it plenty of times:
- The Gunslinger that touches at +Bajillion (don't roll a 1) with OmgLots HP of damage a round.
- The Mo-ight-eric-iza-uid that seems to have so many class levels, its difficult to tell what he/she is going to throw at me each round.
- The Class that just seems to have so much AC that you can only hit on a Natural 20
- The person who seems to have their primary stats at 20, and their dumps at 5.
- The person who sits there silently through the entire thing, either reading a PF Book for a new thing to exploit, or his/her phone, then immediately jumps up and is the most animate creature you've seen as soon as you hear "Roll for Initiative."
How do you deal with these people? These are the kind of people who would have the best time if, after every combat (and possibly healing), the next words out of your mouth were "Roll for Initiative," instead of "talk to the guy remaining."
I'm not talking about the animate people during combat, more specifically the people that care more about how much damage they did in a module, than if they even accomplished their goal during the module. The person who seem to want to be fully animate in how they are being awesome for the battlefield, and saving the party's collective arse by themselves. These people ruin other people's day, and its annoying to a lot of people.
Personally, I do a few things:
** spoiler omitted **...
You do realize that this is a living campaign with specific rules for character creation and administration. If its legal, its legal and there is really nothing you can do about it. Not sure why you feel you need to "deal" with them. Some people like the combat aspect of the game more than the roleplaying aspect. What is wrong with that? Some people like ketchup on pizza, is that wrong because you might not like it? If you don't like running for these people or playing with them, then stop playing a living campaign and start a home game with ultra restrictive character creation and administration rules.