gadeschaos's page

Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Hi, i would like to cancel my subscription for the Pathfinder Adventure Path since i'm not interested on the Ironfang Invasion, thanks :D

Sorry to bother, but i'm having a problem with this order since it's not yet arrived. I know for international shippings it takes a lot, but it's a month almost and it never took so long for and order, usually about 2 weeks to arrive. Was it for some reason shipped late for justifying this delay? Is there something that can be done?

Thanks Katina, all seems well with the cancellation, but i have a problem with "Inner Sea Temples".
That volume was shipped together with Curse of the Crimson Throne and arrived today, while i was still under my campaign setting subscription. But looking at my account i don't have the PDF of the book on my list, and i think that's wrong since that book was still part of the subscription part.
Can you resolve/check this issue?


Hi, for the time being i'd like to cancel all my subscriptions except for the Pathfinder Adventure Path one. thanks

Here in italy we had a lot of hardcovers already printed (rise of the runelords, kingmaker, skull and shackles, jade regent, wrath of the righteous), mainly for old AP that were never printed in small books format here, i like them ( even if i'm sad with the removal of the journals for the hardcover version), and i think they could be a great addition to the adventure path line, starting from out of print ones and such :D but they could be a permanent product maybe

I have a doubt.
As of my understanding, memory of function can bring back to life an android, since it counts as a construct.
So, when the players find the body, could they think of using this spell to bring her back to life? I don't see anything against it, since the neurocam they find is only a copy of her, and she's not been dead for so long that the spell would not function.

Is there something i'm not seeing that prevents from resurrecting her?

Understood, thanks for the quick reply Sharaya.
I'm wondering,maybe the package was opened because it was weighted after being complete and it exceeded the limit?


Wrath of Thrune arrived today safely, so as far as books goes all is clear.
It's still unclear to me why the shipments was divided in two instead of them being shipped together.


It was opened after it was sealed, the part that must be ripped out for opening was already opened, it was sealed and then opened after that. Don't know why, looking back at that order i see that also the book "Wrath of thrune" was to be shipped at the time, but i see it was shipped in another package, and that still has to arrive.
This also is strange, since i often had two "small" books shipped with just a single envelope, and i can't understand why this time they have been shipped separately ( increasing shipping costs actually).

Thanks for the answer, sorry for the late reply.

I have a big problem with the mentioned order.
When i opened it ( it passed through customs but the seal was safe so it was not opened there), i found that the envelope that contained Inner Sea Faiths was already opened.
Also nowhere was found the usual invoice with the recap of the items inside the pack.
This is a huge letdown, and i think it must have been shipped that way from your warehouse since the seal was intact.
It's the first time it happens but having an item arrive opened is for me a big problem.

Hi, i would like to cancel my subscription for the Pathfinder Campaing Setting, so as not to receive the map folio with my next shipment.


Hi, i wanted to know the status of this order, i made to retry the payment after i added the funds to the card ( since i forgot i was out there ) but it's been since 4/11 and i've not seen it moving from pending, are there other problems?

Thanks a lot Katina!

Hi Customer Service,

I would like to ask if it's possible to my subscription of the Campaign Setting only for the Giantslayer Poster Map Folio, but keeping Hell Unleashed for shipping, i see that Hell Unleashed is scheduled first, so i'll restart my subscription manually at Occult Bestiary when it's up.

Thanks a lot Sharaya! :D

Hi Customer Service,

I'm in the same situation as Tinkergoth, since i would like to cancel my subscription only for the Iron God map folio, but not for the Belkzan, Hold of the Orc Hordes, is it possible to do this? I think i have already the Lost Treasures in my sidecart to ship with my next subscription shipment and it seems Belkzen is right after that, so would it be possibile to cancel just after that one?

I also see that for march is scheduled the shipment of the Strategy Guide, but on the product is said that one is not part of any subscription, so i was expecting the next book to be Pathfinder Unchained in April, was that one added to the subscriptions now without changing the product description?

Thanks, i'll say in the end normal clothing doesn't protect from the sun, and since darkness and penumbra are both the same level, i'll go with darkness not avoiding sunburn unless it changes the luminosity to darkness ( maybe having less damage with dim light)

Just a clarification about sunlight vulnerability, can you block it by covering yourself head to toe or do you need to not have the sun directly hit you, clothes not counting? ( i'm leaning toward the second option)

Umbriere Moonwhisper wrote:

just remove the sunlight weakness on the standard vampire template and give him 1 free class level at 3rd level to compensate his CR of 3.

you don't need to nerf the standard vampire to accomodate the loss of sunlight weakness. even if you removed all the vampire weaknesses, it would still be a CR+2 template.

the weaknesses aren't even a balancing factor compared to other CR+2 templates or CR 3 monsters, they are merely there because of legacy lore, and because they need a way to allow PCs to kill a vampire. really, PCs that respawn and start every fight at full health, aren't really an issue. it doesn't make the party any stronger, it just restores strength the party lost.

PCs have CR = level -1 Drow Noble, have CR = level +0. meaning, Drow is +1 CR compared to PC races, tack on Vampire for CR+3. a free level at 3rd, but not 6th+ should be fine

but the drow, to milk free power, will likely try to milk advanced to gain more power at no cost.

The advanced trick to get free power will not be allowed, i know the cheat of adding advanced to level up odd CRs at no cost and i don't like it.

Thanks all for the suggestions, i'll look better into the vampire, to me also it seemed actually on par with other CR+2 templates.

I also like Weirdo way, it's a nice way to add power with levels :D

I think i'm going with lowering the drow noble to drow ( the noble has really too much and it should be worth a cr+1) and creating a cr +2 lesser vampire template similar in power to the other cr2 templates, taking out light vulnerability but being weaker than normal vampire, since he wants to keep playing the vampire thing. Also no bonus levels since he hes no racial HD to start with.

Opinions on this solution? I think it's the best for keeping the thematic of the pg and not letting him overshadow the whole party with op race/template.

Any suggestion for the lesser vampire template?

The Race/template is pretty OP in my opinion.

The pc started as drow noble, but since the campaign started pretty quickly i didn't have time to check all the abilities, and i say it's pretty OP for a base race, so i was leaning toward giving that a CR+1 like suggested in the forum post linked by the SRD.

For template he choose Dread Vampire, which i he said "it's only cause that way i can adventure in the sun"...well i was helping 3 new players make their pg's so i didn't check, since he was the only experienced player... my error, that template, like all other dreads, is totally broken so i'll ban that right away, going probably with a standard modified vampire, weaker but that doesn't burn on the sun ( still cr+2)

The class is alchimist(vivisectionist), and the party was starting at level 6
So with a cr+3 adjustement from race and template when starting the pc could have been an alchemist lv 3.

If following the rule of calculating the bonus level from when the pc started gaining PC levels, he should have gained a bonus one if using the rule for balancing monsters, so being level 4.

What i'm not so sure is using that rule for this combo, since the rule actually applies when using monsters as base, and in this case the CR is gained only by other means

No one? :(

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I recently started running a new campaign and i've got into a problem with one of the characters.

I know the rule about using monsters as PC, that says that every 3 levels you gain an additional level, a number of times that equals half the monster base cr rounded down.

But is that the same if the additional CR is gained not for using a monster, but for stacking CR with race and templates?
For example with a +1CR Race and a +2 CR template, would he be allowed to gain the additional level when the group is between level 6th and 7th? ( counting that the with that cr the pc's started at level 4, 6th to 7th level is between 2nd and 3rd level gained by the group if i understood correctly the rules).

I'm leaning toward not letting the CR gained by race and template be lowered, since the rules says it's that way because racial HD are less valuable than class levels in the long run, but those two don't add HD, just a lot of other things, but i was wondering what the general consensus is in this matter if there's one.

Thanks :D