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One player asked me if he can play a Hellspawn, as follow:
Not exactly a hellspawn, more like a "dude coming from hell with a symbiont that let him fight things". He want to play a synthesist, but with no magic powers whatsover (no caster levels or summons SLAs), adjusting just a way to heal the symbiont "HP" (fast heal evolution, or letting it being healed by cure magic).
Normally I would say no to the synthesist. I even showed him the much more balanced aegis DSP class, reworking the fluff to fit a hellspawn, but he didn't liked it, as he wanted the "symbiont to be a living thing, with his own HPs". But taking the casting and SLAs, I'm not sure. As the guy is our resident min-maxer, is there any way that he could break a cast-less synthesist? And if yes, ways to counter it if he became out of hand?
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Bloatmage Initiate feat wrote: Benefit: You learn the basics of the ancient art of hemotheurgy. Pick one school of magic in which you possess the Spell Focus feat—you cast spells from this school of magic at +1 caster level. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Spell Focus. Unfortunately, the side effects cause you to be constantly under the effects of a medium load—your maximum bonus to AC from Dexterity is +3, you gain an armor check penalty of –3, and your speed decreases as appropriate (generally from 30 feet to 20 feet for a Medium creature). Why would they need to stack? They confer different benefits. We could let aside the Spell Focus stacking bit, and assume it only increases CL. But then the Ruby Phoenix Tournament stats in one NPC that the "Bloatmage Initiate feat allows him to cast spells of the xxx school at +1 caster level (his save DCs already incorporate this bonus, but duration and other level-dependent effects do not)". Another wrong information, as CL does not increases save DCs.
The feat needs an errata. Considering the drawback, allowing it to increase both CL and save DC isn't out of order.
I'm creating a new campaign based on Golarion, and I need a set of 12 weapons, one for each surviving god that fought Rovagug. I'm totally out of ideas for it, and somewhat in a hurry (campaign starts next month). So, I'm here begging you suggestions.
Some info:
- 12 artifacts, one for each god: Abadar, Apsu, Asmodeus, Calistria, Dahak, Desna, Dou-Bral(Zon-Kuthon), Erastil, Gozreh, Pharasma, Sarenrae, and Torag. They are made from "keys" to a new lock made by Asmodeus to reinforce the original after the Earthfall woke Rovagug (thanks Kevin Andrew Murphy);
- Themed powers that grow/unlock with the user growing;
- Is not a pre-requisite, but intelligent items are really nice;
- If it's a weapon, it doesn't need to be the deity's favored weapon, just need to fit the god's theme;
- One need to be a lance, probably will make it Erastil artifact;
- Apsu is already set: a living silver dragon (it will be legen... wait for it... dary!);
- As Apsu's dragon, it's really fine to have something unique yet fitting.
I'm creating a new campaign based on Golarion, and for undisclosed reasons I need a set of 9 weapons, one for each alignment. I'm totally out of ideas for it, and somewhat in a hurry (campaign starts next month). So, I'm here begging you suggestions.
Some info:
- Lesser artifact level of power, bonus points if secret power unlocks at specific conditions;
- NEED to be inteligent;
- Law/Good, Law/Evil, Chaos/Good, Chaos/Evil are standard;
- Pure Good, Pure Evil, Pure Chaos, Pure Order are stronger. Powers reflecting it, as well as bigger Ego;
- Pure Neutral is weaker than standard, but has power over the other 8;
- NEED to be intelligent;
- Law/Good has to be a lance;
- It's ok to have some background in Golarion history, but no unique pre-existent weapons. They were created as a set.
Let the creativity work...
Ps: Sorry for the bad english...
The problem with them is when you start to get magic weapons it is damn costly to mantain them on par with, let's say, the two-handed-fighter greatsword, as you will need more than one throwing axe or dagger. Or if you want to have only one weapon (chakram is a good one for this) there's the magical ability tax Returning, and even then you are restricted to one throw per turn, as the weapon returns only before your next turn.
I think the throwing fighter is very cool concept, but they get no love from rules. D&D4e kind of fixed it: any magical throwing weapon get the returning ability for free. I think it's a very fair change, and made me think about these houserules:
Magic Throwing Weapons: Any throwing weapon that have at least a +1 enhancement bonus flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature’s next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a throwing weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can’t catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown.
New Weapon Special Ability:
Returning: This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon teleport backs to the user's grasps as soon as the weapon hits (or misses) it's target, making it ready for use immediately, therefore allowing a full attack action with it. As the returning weapon is teleporting, and not flying back to the user it appears in the user's grasp even if he has moved after thrown it.
Moderate conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; instant summons; Price +1 bonus.
So, now you can have viable weapons for your throwing fighter. Either as a set of four +1 Flaming/Frost/Shocking/Thundering starknife or as a +1 Holy Returning Chakram.
Comments? It's balanced?
I'm soon starting to DM , and after reading the haunts I come here to ask: How a PC might discover a haunt weakness or destruction method? A Knowledge: Religion check? At which DC? Or simply there's no way to know?
A half-dragon take +8 Str, +6 Con, +2 Int/Cha. If the base creature is a human, he also get the +2 to any ability score?
Oh, hi there!
This archetype was based in the Maxximilius/Elghinn Lightbringer sugestions, and intended to use with the firearm rules created by Ashiel in her gunslinger class rewrite, but it works well with the oficial firearms rules.
Alchemical Gunsmith
Some alchemists lacks the interest or curiosity to warp his body through alchemical means. They forgo the mutagenic research to pursuit a more martial branch of alchemy.
Alchemical Firearm(Ext): The alchemist receive Exotic Weapon Proficience (Firearms), even if he do not meet the prerequisites for it. He also receives a customized pistol for free, whose modifications let him shoot alchemical bullets (see below). An alchemist can modify a normal firearm into an alchemical one with one day of work, but from now on the firearm wil only have half his market value. Alchemical firearms can still shoot normal ammunition.
The alchemist also discover how to craft alchemical bullets. The alchemist can craft one bullet with one minute of work (but see below) at negligible cost from his alchemist kit (if you are using the oficial firearm rules, you still have to pay for the black powder), and can have a max simultaneous active bullets equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Alchemical bullets created past this limit cause the old ones to become inactive. Alchemical bullets remains active until used, or after leave the alchemist possession. Only the alchemist who had created the alchemical bullets can use it. There are four types of alchemical bullets:
Acid Bullet: Fashioned with a corrosive coating, the acid is activated on impact. The bullet deals +1d4 alchemical acid damage, and +1d4 on the subsequent round. At 12th level, on a confirmed critical hit, living targets must make a Fortitude check or become poisoned. Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 16; Frequency 1/round for 2 round; Effect 1 Con damage; Cure 1 save; On save the target is instead sickened for 1 round. Successive critical hits increases the DC and duration, as normal per the poison rules.
Fire Bullet: Fashioned with a phosphore core, the bullet explodes on impact, creating a short but intense burst of fire. The bullet deals +1d6 alchemical fire damage. At 12th level, on a confirmed critical hit, the target is blinded for 1 round, and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or catches fire.
Eletrical Bullet: Fashioned with a charged natural magnetic node at its head, it discharges on impact. The bullet deals +1d6 alchemical eletrical damage. Ath 12th level, on a confirmed critical hit, the target is magnetized for 1d4 rounds. Anyone striking the target with metal weapons (also works for bullets and metal headed arrows and bolts) receive +2 on its attacks (+4 if the target is wearing metal armor). The bonus are cumulative upon successives critical hits.
Ice Bullet: Fashioned with concentrated eternal ice, the shot activated on impact, quickly frozing the imediate area. The bullet deals +1d6 alchemical cold damage. At 12th level, on a confirmed critical hit, the target is staggered for 1 round.
The alchemist must choose at creation the type of the alchemical bullet, but at higher levels he can create a bullet with more than one property (as they take different parts of the bullet). At 8th level he can created a bullet with 2 properties, at 13th 3 properties, and at 18th 4 properties. Each property crafted in the bullet have its own cost and time. Then, a fire ice eletrical bullet takes 3 minutes to be made and counts as 3 alchemical bullets.
This ability replaces mutagen.
Feedback? Especially on Acid Shot and the DC.
Again, this is based on Maxximilius/Elghinn Lightbringer suggestions at the Ashiel gunslinger review thread, and credit must be given.
Ps: Sorry the bad english =]
Sorry moderators... can you erase this thread? Question already solved... =P
I know that it isn't the most indicated board to put this question, but the people here are the best, so:
As in D20SRD:
"You can place another power upon your person so that it comes into effect under some condition you dictate when manifesting psionic contingency. The psionic contingency power and the companion power are manifest at the same time. The 10-minute manifesting time is the minimum total for both manifestations; if the companion power has a manifesting time longer than 10 minutes, use that instead. The power to be brought into effect by the psionic contingency must be one that affects your person and be of a power level no higher than one-third your manifester level (rounded down, maximum 6th level)."
Ok. So, when you augment a power, it's level doesn't go up, only some features of it (damage, bonuses). Then, if I'm a 18th level psion I can contingency a vigor power augmented to give me 90 temporary hp (18 pp) when I got myself under 20 hp?
Another question: I can contingency overchanneled powers, ou wild surged ones? If yes, in case of wild surge, you suffer the enervation chance on manifesting the power with the contingency, or when the trigger occurs?