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Charged silverdisks (which I am definitely calling "shimmerdisks;" thanks, Izkael) "glow with light equivalent to that of a candle," so I think the average person could differentiate shimmerdisks from silverdisks. But then that raises the question of you differentiate an empty-but-rechargeable silverdisk from a broken silverdisk.)

In my campaign, I'm solving that by houseruling out silverdisk-recharging (which also explains the value differential between silverdisks and shimmerdisks). I'm not saying it's impossible, just that the technology is either lost or deep in Technic League control.

The silverdisks-as-currency idea also makes a lot more sense if you think of them as common barter items, not fiat currency. They have inherent value, just like gp, because they can melted down for their component skymetal. Plus, they're proof against coin-clipping, both because of their material hardness and because the complex circuitry patterns act like reeding.