
ezrider23's page

Organized Play Member. 377 posts (378 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.

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Buba Casanunda wrote:
ezrider23 wrote:
So far my favorite is Dwarf.

so, the Dwarf Class?

or the Dwarf Build?


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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Bob_Loblaw wrote:

There is a place out here called AFK Tavern. It was designed from the beginning as a gamer-tavern. I really enjoy going there. It's also a great place to meet some of the game designers who work for Paizo.

That is a very sweet set up, but sadly not on every corner.

It's a 45 minute drive for me to get to the comic shop that hosts us. There isn't anything closer.

And for that we appreciate you and the endless hours of awesome gaming that you bring.

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Thanks Hilary and Nefreet.

@Nefreet- yes i have all of those i just have not been diligent in my readings, sadly :(

@Hilary- i just downloaded and printed those today. There is always this weird suspension of belief when playing PFS due to the time altered way scenarios get run. One week we play a season 5 scenario the next we'll play a 3 the a 0-1 and then back up to 7. Those will be handy for me to grasp the bullet points of went down each season.

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I'm pretty sure this is notin the guide collection but it may be of some use for newbies wishing to make their first foray into "Pathfinder Society Play". I don't know if there is a discussion page that accompanies it.

Written by Big Norse Wolf
Flutters Guide for Newbies

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
I have a guide i threw together for newbies and one important thing i wanted to add was the welcome to pathfinder boon, but i can't find a link to it. I HAVE it as a pdf, but no link for it. Anyone know where it's hiding?

Don't know how i've missed this but i will say "Great work, BNW."

One thing i will note though is the document just ends abruptly. The Flutter narrative flows so nicely through the document but then we get to the BOON download at the end and it's over. I'd recommend adding a farewell of sorts from Flutter. Letting the reader know that they have completed their intro into the PFS and what not. Just my 2 coppers mind you.

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FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:

I guess I'll get people's thoughts here... Several people have voiced their opinions in turning the Kensai Magus guide into a more generalized Magus guide (though, a specific Kensai adaptation would still exist).

How many people are fine with Walter's work, and how many would like to see a more comprehensive work done, with more in-depth coverage of the archetypes (especially the ones no one talks about, the Myrmidarch and Skirnir especially)?

If there's enough interest, I'll start working on it. If not, then well that just means Walter has done an excellent job that has lasted even when outdated!

I vote yes. It'd be nice to read a more comprehensive and updated version of the Magus guide.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
KuntaSS wrote:
Well yeah but the bard actually performs and gives everybody modifiers. People recognize that. It's hard to ignore with the bard.
You'd like to think that, but it still happens. So those people will certainly miss the even subtler effect of Step Up.

Lots of folks dismiss the Bard until he is not at the table.

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Combat reflexes and tripping with a reach weapon as Geraint said is a good way to stop enemies. Some nice spells to look for later on would be Shield Other and Compel Hostility. Cornugon Smash and Intimidating Prowess are nice also.

If going Sword and Board i really like Sacred Shield and the Step up line of feats (Step Up/Following Step/Step Up and Strike). Add in Saving Shield, Body Guard and the Helpful Trait along with Combat Reflexes. I know thats a ton of feats but would work really well a "defender/tank" Pally.

something quick:

Unnamed Hero
Human (Taldan) Paladin (Divine Defender, Sacred Shield) 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception -1
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee heavy shield bash +4 (1d4+3) and
. . gauntlet (from armor) +4 (1d3+3) and
. . longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20) and
. . unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3 nonlethal)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Bodyguard, Combat Reflexes
Traits helpful
Languages Common
SQ aura of good, bastion of good
Other Gear four-mirror, heavy steel shield, longsword, 70 gp
Bastion of Good (10 ft) (1/day) (Su) - 0/1
Special Abilities
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Bastion of Good (10 ft) (1/day) (Su) One foe does ½ dam to allies in aura, full to self, +2 deflect to AC.
Bodyguard Use an AoO to use aid another to improve an ally's AC.
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Helpful Aid another grants allies a +3 bonus (instead of usual +2).

Since i don't know what the current build looks like.

After this you could look to add in...
Saving Shield and In Harm's Way then see if you can fit in the step up line. Granted this trades away the real threat of the 2-Handed PA Pally and really ramps up the Defender mode. It's just another option. I feel something in between the two may be the best way to go though.

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kinevon wrote:

The key point, actually was ... new player ...

For someone who has played 3.5 & PF, I wouldn't have been concerned. For someone whose most experience was red or blue box, and tended to answer "Dwarf" when asked what class they were...

And no matter what fancy training you got when you play a Dwarf and asked what class you are "DWARF" is always the answer.

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nate lange wrote:
oh man... i don't want to muddy the waters any more for you, but if you're planning to go mythic you might want to consider dropping some Str and really focusing on Wis- mythic guided hand and mythic channel smite are awesome for melee clerics!

First- Thanks for the help and advice Nate.

Second- I think i'm drifting too far from some of my initial thoughts/ideas for this guy, which i probably didn't state in my initial post.

Third- I'm not gonna be able to use Guided Hand for the Khopesh since i don't have access to those dieties. I went with Nethys(my original God) but i'm not using the Quaterstaff.

Fourth- It's Mythic for one scenario so making those changes won't benefit me for my whole PFS career.

Fifth- The longer i've thought about it the more i liked the overall Lore Oracle build that i had. Just seemed to fit the idea i had in my head for the character. It may not be optimal but it doesn't always have to be in PFS. I might still dip for some versatility but IDK.

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I've returned once again for a PEACH of my newest character. I don't know why i can't settle on one build and leave it alone but here goes my latest attempts. This guy is for my friends Rise of the Runelords campaign, and NO i won't be taking the Teleportation sub-school. My last PC was a Teleporter.

Build #1:

Jeremiah Quink
Male Human (Varisian) Wizard 4
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +10; Senses Perception +10
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 30 (4d6+12)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +3 (1d6+1) and
. . dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . unarmed strike +3 (1d3+1)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +9):
2nd—create pit (DC 18), glitterdust (DC 18), mirror image, summon monster ii [S]
1st—color spray (DC 16), grease (DC 17), protection from evil, snowball (DC 17), summon monster i [S], vanish
0 (at will)—detect magic, mending, message, read magic
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 21, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Acadamae Graduate, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits seeker, trap finder
Skills Disable Device +12, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +12, Knowledge (religion) +9, Linguistics +12, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +12
Languages Abyssal, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ acid dart, arcane bonds (arcane bond [familiar]), opposition schools (enchantment, necromancy), specialized schools (conjuration), summoner's charm
Combat Gear Scroll of Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Scroll of Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Scroll of Mount (CL 2), Mount (CL 2), wand of magic missile, sunrod (3); Other Gear club, dagger, ioun torch, ring of sustenance, traveler's any-tool, adventurer's sash, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, chalk (3), charcoal stick, flint and steel, grappling bolt, grooming kit, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, parchment (10), scroll box, signet ring, spell component pouch (2), spellbook, thieves' tools, masterwork, tindertwig (5), travelling spellbook, waterproof bag, waterproof bag, wrist sheath, spring loaded, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 7 GP, 7 CP
Acid Dart (8/day) (Sp) - 0/8
Club - 0/1
Dagger - 0/1
Sunrod - 0/3
Tindertwig - 0/5
Wand of magic missile - 0/50
Special Abilities
Acid Dart (8/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+2 Acid damage.
Conjuration The conjurer focuses on the study of summoning monsters and magic alike to bend to his will.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Familiar Bonus: +4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Ioun torch This item is merely a burned out, dull gray ioun stone with a continual flame spell cast upon it. It retains the ability to float and orbit, and allows the bearer to carry light and still have his hands free. It may be in any crystalline shape common to ioun stones (ellipsoid, prism, sphere, and so on).

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, continual flame, creator must be 12th level; Cost 62 gp, 5 sp
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Ring of sustenance Immune to hunger and thirst, and only sleep two hours a night.
Scroll of Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Mount (CL 2), Mount (CL 2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Summoner's Charm (+2 rds) (Su) Increase duration of summoning spells by 1/2 level (permanent at 20).
Trap Finder Use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue.
Traveler's any-tool Acts as masterwork tools for most Craft or Profession skills.

This is pretty standard fare for a Conjuration Wizard who will work heavily with Summons and battlefield control and minor in buffs/debuffs. My traits are taken in order to fill the Party scout/trapfinder role since we lack one. I was a tad worried about my FORT save and the Academae Graduate interaction which led me to create the build below.
Build #2:

Jeremiah Quink #2
Male Human (Varisian) Ranger (Freebooter, Trapper) 1/Wizard 3
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +10; Senses Perception +9
Aura freebooter's bane (1 ft.)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 30 (1d10+3d6+10)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +3 (1d6+1) and
. . dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . unarmed strike +3 (1d3+1)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +9):
2nd—create pit (DC 18), glitterdust (DC 18), summon monster ii [S]
1st—color spray (DC 16), grease (DC 17), protection from evil, summon monster i [S], vanish
0 (at will)—detect magic, mending, message, read magic
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 21, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Acadamae Graduate, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits magical knack, scholar of the ancients
Skills Climb +5, Disable Device +12, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +12, Knowledge (religion) +9, Linguistics +12, Perception +9 (+10 to locate traps), Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +7, Survival +4 (+5 to track), Swim +5
Languages Abyssal, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ acid dart, arcane bonds (arcane bond [familiar]), opposition schools (enchantment, necromancy), specialized schools (conjuration), summoner's charm, track, trapfinding +1, wild empathy -1
Combat Gear Scroll of Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Scroll of Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Scroll of Mount (CL 2), Mount (CL 2), wand of magic missile, sunrod (3); Other Gear club, dagger, ioun torch, ring of sustenance, traveler's any-tool, adventurer's sash, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, chalk (3), charcoal stick, flint and steel, grappling bolt, grooming kit, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, parchment (10), scroll box, signet ring, spell component pouch (2), spellbook, thieves' tools, masterwork, tindertwig (5), travelling spellbook, waterproof bag, waterproof bag, wrist sheath, spring loaded, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 7 GP, 7 CP
Acid Dart (8/day) (Sp) - 0/8
Club - 0/1
Dagger - 0/1
Sunrod - 0/3
Tindertwig - 0/5
Wand of magic missile - 0/50
Special Abilities
Acid Dart (8/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+1 Acid damage.
Conjuration The conjurer focuses on the study of summoning monsters and magic alike to bend to his will.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Familiar Bonus: +4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Freebooter's Bane +1 (Ex) +1 to hit & damage vs. chosen target.
Ioun torch This item is merely a burned out, dull gray ioun stone with a continual flame spell cast upon it. It retains the ability to float and orbit, and allows the bearer to carry light and still have his hands free. It may be in any crystalline shape common to ioun stones (ellipsoid, prism, sphere, and so on).

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, continual flame, creator must be 12th level; Cost 62 gp, 5 sp
Magical Knack (Wizard) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school.
Ring of sustenance Immune to hunger and thirst, and only sleep two hours a night.
Scroll of Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4), Mage Armor (CL 4) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of Mount (CL 2), Mount (CL 2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Summoner's Charm (+1 rds) (Su) Increase duration of summoning spells by 1/2 level (permanent at 20).
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Traveler's any-tool Acts as masterwork tools for most Craft or Profession skills.
Wild Empathy -1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

Build number two is my Conjuration Wizard with a single level dip into Trapper/Freebooter Ranger. I do this to accomplish a few things.
1. It gives me a boost to Fort(helps with Academae Graduate) and Reflex saves.
2. A nice boost to HP's and skills.
3. Most importantly i get Perception/Disable Device and Stealth so i can fill in as party scout/Trapfinder.
Unfortunately it slows my spell progression but it does free up my Traits, one of which gets spent on keeping my caster level up.

What i most need help with is settling on one of the two builds and then any advice on going forward with said build.
Item advice.
Feat advice.
Spell advice.

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I just wanted to start by saying THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP.

Here is the almost final build. As far as the Trapfinder trait went i decided to add some versatility with the Ranger MC.


Loiza Zindelo
Male Human (Varisian) Bard 3/Ranger (Freebooter, Trapper) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
Aura freebooter's bane (1 ft.)
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 28 (1d10+3d8+4)
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3; +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependant effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee kukri +5 (1d4+2/18-20/×2) and
. . masterwork scimitar +6 (1d6+2/18-20/×2) and
. . unarmed strike +5 (1d3+2/×2)
Ranged darkwood composite longbow +8 (1d8+2/×3)
Special Attacks bardic performance, bardic performance: countersong, bardic performance: distraction, bardic performance: fascinate, bardic performance: inspire competence, bardic performance: inspire courage
Bard Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +5):
1st (4/day)—saving finale (DC 13), silent image (DC 13), grease (DC 13), feather fall (DC 13)
0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, mending, dancing lights, read magic, ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation (DC 12), message
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Arcane Strike, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits favored son/daughter - ameiko kaijitsu, maestro of the society
Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +6, Disable Device +11, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (nobility) +2, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +8, Perception +7 (+8 to locate traps), Perform (comedy) +7, Perform (oratory) +9, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +8, Survival +4 (+5 to track, +6 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +6, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ bardic knowledge, track, trapfinding +1, versatile performance abilities (oratory), well versed, wild empathy
Combat Gear Wand of cure light wounds, Sunrod (3), Weapon blanch (adamantine), Weapon blanch (silver) (5); Other Gear +1 Studded leather armor, Cold Iron Arrow, durable (50), Cold Iron Blunt arrows (50), Darkwood Composite longbow (Str +2), Kukri, Masterwork Scimitar, Silver Arrow, durable (50), Efficient quiver (151 @ 23 lbs), Ioun stone (dull grey), Wayfinder (1 @ 0 lbs), Adventurer's sash (23 @ 15.5 lbs), Backpack, masterwork (9 @ 18.5 lbs), Bedroll, Belt pouch (empty), Flint and steel, Grappling arrow, Ink, black, Inkpen, Journal, Mess kit, Mirror, Musical instrument (Tin Whistle), Patchwork cloak, Pocketed scarf, Silk rope, Soap, Spell component pouch, Thieves' tools, masterwork, Tindertwig (5), Torch (3), Trail rations (5), Waterproof bag (3 @ 1 lbs), Waterskin, Wrist sheath, spring loaded (1 @ 0 lbs), Wrist sheath, spring loaded (1 @ 3 lbs), 249 GP
Bardic Performance (standard action) (13 rounds/day) - 0/13
Cold Iron Arrow, durable - 0/50
Cold Iron Blunt arrows - 0/50
Read Magic (10 minutes) (1/day) - 0/1
Silver Arrow, durable - 0/50
Sunrod - 0/3
Tindertwig - 0/5
Torch - 0/3
Trail rations - 0/5
Wand of cure light wounds - 0/50
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action) (13 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (1 targets) (DC 13) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Competence +2 (Su) +2 competence bonus for one ally on a skill check.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Favored Son/Daughter - Ameiko Kaijitsu +1 Knowledge (Local) and it is a class skill.
Freebooter's Bane +1 (Ex) +1 to hit & damage vs. chosen target.
Ioun stone (dull grey) These are ioun stones that have been burned out or otherwise rendered all but powerless. They retain the ability to float and orbit, and are useful as the target of spells such as continual flame, daylight, and silence, allowing you to keep your hands free. They may be any shape (cabochon, disk, ellipsoid, and so on) or any condition (cracked, flawed, or whole).

Ioun stones orbit the head within d3 feet and have AC 24, hardness 5, and 10 Hp.

Resonant Power:
Read magic 1/day for 10 minutes.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level; Cost 12 gp, 5 sp
Maestro of the Society +3 rounds of Bardic Performance a day.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Versatile Performance (Oratory) +9 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks
Wayfinder (1 @ 0 lbs) A small magical device patterned off ancient relics of the Azlanti, a wayfinder is typically made from silver and bears gold accents. With a command word, you can use a wayfinder to shine (as the light spell). The wayfinder also acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders include a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants you its normal benefits (as if it were orbiting your head), but frequently reveals entirely new powers due to the magic of the wayfinder itself (see Seeker of Secrets page 51).

Note: This item costs only 250 gp for members of the Pathfinder Society

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, light; Cost 250 gp
Well Versed (Ex) +4 save vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

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Any further thoughts would be nice otherwise i think he may be a finished product. I'm just unsure if this is a solid enough build. I'm not that skilled at partial casters.
Toying with the idea of Arcane Duelist but i'm not sure i like losing the things that make the Bard cool (skill monkey/Knowledge stuff).

As far as Progression goes i'll be taking another level of Ranger i just haven't decided when. I'm leaning towards my next level going into Bard for 2nd level spells and then Ranger @6th for my 2nd Ranger level.
Featwise, once i hit 5th i'll grab Lingering Performance and the when i go Ranger 2 i'll get Rapid or Manyshot with Archery Style.

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CWheezy wrote:
ezrider23 wrote:
Hello! I am going to point out that making a strong character isn't cheating, please don't imply that others who do are.

I don't know if you really deserve a response to this but here it goes anyways. My "cheese,cheat,steal the show" comment was made to echo other sentiments in this thread and in others i read. RAW may make it so i can play reload shenanigans with twin double barreled pistols and a Tiefling Tail but that doesn't make it cheesy, IMHO. Not properly recording Grit/Crits and Ammo IS cheating, as all would agree. Not you apparently so go ahead and cheat your tables all you want i guess. And...being a limelight hogger and show dominator is no fun for anyone except me so i'd like to avoid that for all involved.

Strong characters are fine if you have one then play on friend-o. Otherwise fixating on a misquoted comment makes one wonder...

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The Fox wrote:
You are going to get a lot of advice about how to make a uber-powerful death-cannon. Ignore it. It is easy to make really fun gunslingers with only a modicum of powergaming.

Thanks for that. I'm trying to avoid any super op seeing how really optimizing can lean to heavily on one trick and when it doesn't work it can really ruin your night.

The Fox wrote:

Make what sounds fun. Gunslingers use a lot of feats, same as any other ranged fighter, but some of them are not as necessary as they are for archers. I have heard many people claim, for example, that gunslingers should have Precise Shot. It turns out that when you are targeting touch AC, this is much less of an issue. (My gunslinger/paladin) is level 6 and hits reliably without that feat.

Fun is the main goal. I'll probably avoid the Paladin route seeing as that is what i'm playing currently but i'll look into other classes to add some goodies.

The Fox wrote:

Consider multiclassing! There are many class combos that work well with gunslinger. Much of the gunslinger's abilities are front-loaded (occur early in their level progression). This seems especially true for Mysterious Stranger. That means a dip in gunslinger is completely viable.

I plan on sticking for at least 5 levels in Gunslinger.

The Fox wrote:

Lastly, try to ignore all the groans and exclamations of "not in my fantasy!" Those people probably aren't much fun regardless of which class you play.

Well... i'm usually one of those but...what the heck, shooting some one in the face with a pistol and being all Lee Van Kleef could be pretty badass.

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But no GM at a PFS table should feel burnt by a legal build. The role of any and all GMs is to guide the players through an adventure and ensure those players are having fun while playing a cooperative society game. As long as the rest of people at the table are okay with these ridiculous builds then so be it.

GM's feel free to let that player know, once you've taken off your GM hat, how you and others may feel about said build.

I guess i'm really confused about what people would find to be too out there in a high fantasy setting such as this. As long as it is RAW in all ways so be it.

Just my .02cp

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Pretty simple in game fix. Ranger is outshining in combat just say "hey dude reign it in some and lets help the others get some spotlight time." If this is a group of friends or a group that hopes to become gaming buddies then everyones goals will most likely be or become a great time had by all.

Oh and by the by, i personally don't hold the opinion that the "switch-hitter ranger" is the uberness of Rangerdom. A single type build who focuses properly will most likely outshine one who splits his focus. Do they work? Sure. Can they be exploited and nuetered? You bet.

Another bit of my $.02, the goal of the game is, to win, having fun while you are doing it is the best by product just not at the expense of the others.