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Asgetrion wrote:
You could also take a look at Osirion, too, and the Legacy of Fire AP.

Thanks, I will!

This will be the first Pathfinder item I'll be buying as I need something like this for my arabian campaign.

I generally avoid buying from Paizo 'cos the prices are higher than most other places online. But the Pathfinder beta rules are outstanding and the forum discussions are very promising. I'll definitely be buying the rulebooks when they come out later this year and will most probably buy the follow-up books as well, if the same excellence level is maintained.

Nice work guys!

Mine was #52. I had played D&D once before but couldn't remember the name of the game, and I wasn't sure what the mag was about but loved the cover art :)

After I started reading it (I remember thinking it was very cryptic) I made the connection and realised that the magazine was about the game. I bought the basic set (red box) soon thereafter.