
eljaspero's page

22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hi all,

I'm running a fairly large (6) group of players through RotRL and we're just in the transition from Ch. 1 to 2. Three of my players, as well as myself, played through about half of it maybe 2 years ago - no problems with spoiling or anything like that - but I recall that we really didn't dig The Misgivings. Once we figured out how haunts function, it felt, mechanically, like there was nothing to but roll for initiative, make your save or deal with the damage, then move on to the next.

It seems like many teams have enjoyed the weirdness of the manor - but has anybody had this sort of "another haunt, yawn" experience there? Has anybody rewritten any, or all, of the haunts, to something more like a traditional encounter so a PC other than a cleric has something to do?

Howdy all,

I've been poking around here and the intertubes at large but haven't found much help, so here goes:

Due to nobody's fault but my own, my PCs are probably going to Besmara's Throne in a couple of weeks. None of them are active Besmara worshippers, so they shouldn't get themselves involved in attempting The Voyage - they should just be dropping off a couple of NPCs.

That said, material on the island is fairly scant. Have any of your campaigns gone to Besmara's Throne? If so...what happened?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts!