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Organized Play Member. 47 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.
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Hi Mark,
In CRB Potions part, it says
Quote: The person applying an oil is the effective caster, but the object is the target. It seems that oils only work on objects.
But the following
Quote: Likewise, it takes a full-round action to apply an oil to an unconscious creature. refers a situation that oil is applied on creature.
Then, can oil really be applied to creatures?
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Hi Mr. Mark Seifter I'm confused with something here.
I find that many spells, especially those deal sonic and force damage, have a fortitude partial save.
Since their target are not object, they don't have "(object)" after the save description.
But when consider constructs and undeads, they are immune to any effect that requires fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects, so they're immune to those spells that deals sonic and force damage with a fortitude save, this looks quite weird.
spells for example:
Thundering Drums
Force Punch
Also, Malfunction targets only constructs, and is fortitude-negates-spell.
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Mark Seifter wrote: Rysky wrote: Mark Seifter wrote: dynilath wrote: There is a problem bothering me these weeks.
How does a Reach Cure Light Wounds work? Do I have to make ranged touch attack roll to heal my friend?
Reach Spell wrote: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range to a higher range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long....... Spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead require ranged touch attacks. When cast CLW on my friend, there is no attack roll needed, so it seems that I don't need ranged touch attack to heal my friend with Reach CLW.
Though it is an auto-hit touch, i still have to touch my friend.
The problem behind is that what an attack is.
Is it an offensive action that gives effect that opponent what to resist?
Is it simply a mechanic that determine whether or not it is hit?
There is a thread discussing about this.
Only melee touch has a mechanism to replace it with an auto-hit for a willing target, so ranged touch you still have to try. Our group rules that a willing target can forgo Dex and dodge bonuses, though, in order to try to be hit. Deflection force fields, miss chances, and the like can still cause issues. Don't forget criticals! My group thought that critical reach healing might be a thing at one point when the APG just came out, but the magic chapter limits crits to spells that deal damage. Thank you very much. That helps me a lot.
There are two questions related to this:
1.Will I be damaged if I cast CLW on my friend who has a Fire Shield?
2.Can I activate my Spell Storing Armor if my friend cast CLW on me?
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There is a problem bothering me these weeks.
How does a Reach Cure Light Wounds work? Do I have to make ranged touch attack roll to heal my friend?
Reach Spell wrote: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range to a higher range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long....... Spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead require ranged touch attacks. When cast CLW on my friend, there is no attack roll needed, so it seems that I don't need ranged touch attack to heal my friend with Reach CLW.
Though it is an auto-hit touch, i still have to touch my friend.
The problem behind is that what an attack is.
Is it an offensive action that gives effect that opponent what to resist?
Is it simply a mechanic that determine whether or not it is hit?
There is a thread discussing about this.
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JDLPF wrote: Cure Light Wounds requires no attack roll to hit, even though it's a touch range spell. Instead, the creature targeted gains a saving throw against the effect, which undead may wish to take. Another example of a similar spell is Bestow Curse. These types of spells work similarly to other targeted spells that allow a saving throw, such as Finger of Death. Unless the spell tells you to make an attack you don't make an attack roll. Spell range says
Quote: Touch: You must touch a creature or object to affect it. Cast a spell says
Quote: You can automatically touch one friend or use the spell on yourself, but to touch an opponent, you must succeed on an attack roll.
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Mark Seifter wrote: dynilath wrote: Thank you very much for your reply, Mr. Mark Seifter.
Here i got some other questions to bother you~
1.Does the spell storing weapon/armor automatically hit, if a Shocking Grasp is storing in it and activated on a hit? In other words, do I have to make another touch attack to deliver Shocking Grasp on activation of a stored spell?
2.Etheric Shards spell says "......the minor movements involved in attacking or defending in combat force a stationary creature to attempt a Reflex save......", does that mean a character within shards should take a reflex save every time when she makes an attack, as well as her target if it is also within the shards?
1) Since you've triggered it after the weapon hit the enemy or the enemy hit (and thus touched) you, I think it hits automatically.
2) It's in the next line right after the part you excerpted "If a stationary creature succeeds at this save, it avoids damage completely for that round..." 2)what if he fails the save?
and a sationary creature within should make this save at the beginning of his turn, or on his attacking or being attacked?
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Thank you very much for your reply, Mr. Mark Seifter.
Here i got some other questions to bother you~
1.Does the spell storing weapon/armor automatically hit, if a Shocking Grasp is storing in it and activated on a hit? In other words, do I have to make another touch attack to deliver Shocking Grasp on activation of a stored spell?
2.Etheric Shards spell says "......the minor movements involved in attacking or defending in combat force a stationary creature to attempt a Reflex save......", does that mean a character within shards should take a reflex save every time when she makes an attack, as well as her target if it is also within the shards?