
drawesome1111's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 246 posts (971 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.

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My favorite two feats in general are Throw Anything and Catch Off-Guard. :)

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Well well... If no one has issue I'd be happy to run an all dwarven game. Does anyone object to high RP or do you prefer hack and slash?

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Ok just out of curiousity...let's say a player wants to make an untrained Knowledge check and add Know the Enemy ( )

Is that allowed, does it count as using a complete library, or is it something else?

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I'm looking for a way to quickly create tiled maps for my PbP campaign. Which one is the best for this kind of thing?

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I vary my traits based on what kind of character I play.

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As a DM(And I know this isn't always the best thing) but I have stupid points. And whenever a character makes a particularly stupid move I roll and they take X stupid damage. Usually I only do this when extremely annoyed so my players know that I'm not joking with them.

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Here's an oldie but a goodie:

We were doing a generic dungeon crawl when the DM suddenly had us swarmed by Kobolds who proceeded to surround and kick the crap out of the party. Finally after a decently long battle we win and as we go to open the door to the room the DM says, "When you open the door you see the Kobold chieftan waiting for his guards to return." The following conversation happens:

Fighter: OOH can I throw one of his own guards back at him?
DM: Uh, I don't know. Let me see your sheet.
Fighter: Ok *hands over sheet*.
DM: Nope sorry...
Fighter: Why not?
DM: You're not proficient in Kobolds.

I'm sure it's been used over and over again, but when we switched to Pathfinder first feat he took was Throw Anything.

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In my current homebrew campaign, one of my guys rolled a CN Serpentfolk Necromancer named Richard. Somewhere along the line he decided that he was being "corrupted" by the goodness of our Paladin/Oracle of Erastil(DMPC).

At one point he asked me(DM) if he could take on an apprentice(for story purposes) and I said sure. At which point he goes to the local orphanage and finds a 5 year old half-drow girl.

Now Richard uses a hat of Disguise Self to mask his appearance, and the first time he reveals himself to the girl the following conversation occurs:

Richard: *takes off hat and reveals true self*
Girl: *GASP*... *backs away slowly*...Why do you look like that?
Richard: It's my true form. It's how I was born.
Girl: Why did you look different before?
Richard: Because some people think I am ugly, and are scared of me.
Girl: *thinks for a moment and then slowly walks forward and hugs his legs* I don't think you're ugly mister Richard...

The whole table says aww... and another player points and says "Roll for warm fuzzies!" Everyone cracked up.