
dragonfly7022003's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


If you spend one point from your Arcane pool to use Potent Magic dose it just increase the DC or the spell level or both?

Potent Magic (Su): Whenever the arcanist expends 1 point
from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a
spell, the caster level increases by 2 instead of 1. Whenever
she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase
a spell’s DC, it increases by 2 instead of 1.

Example 8th level Arcanist cast magic missile, Normally it would be 4 missiles. But spending a Arcane Point can increase the level to 10th thus giving him 5 magic missiles?

Is this correct?

William Werminster wrote:

Short answer, no.

Even if they are not related to the campaign, traits like Cold Resilience should do the trick.

You gain a +4 trait bonus on saves to avoid nonlethal damage from cold environments. In addition, you begin play with a cold-weather outfit at no cost.

Make that free cold-weather outfit a cute 'winter kimono' and there you go.

Also you said that your character is a cleric, so the Endure Elements spell is another excellent option.

Yeah I was not talking about Magical Cold. I am talking cold weather. In anthro Fox form I have fur. Would that give me better saves vs cold weather survival.

Murdock Mudeater wrote:
dragonfly7022003 wrote:
In our Next game, we are going over the crown of the world (Jade Regent). I am playing a Kitsune Cleric and I wanted to know if I am in my Animal Form Such as a Fox Shape or Anthropomorphic fox form. Do I get Bounes vs the cold?

Does the Fox Shape have seasonal furs? In real life, foxes and most furry creatures, only have their winter coats in the winter. Then they shed their winter coat for a summer coat in the spring, so as to not bake in the summer.

I suppose the bigger question is if the GM is supposed to be applying a circumstance penalty to furry creatures in hot climates? If you want a bonus in cold weather, than a penalty in hot weather would also make sense.

That is all true and it is something I am wondering. Mostly for the cold. I do not think that they get winter coat, seeing as its a magical transformation. Last thing you want is for the party to complane about the char shedding all over the place.

Generally it takes my group 6 people who all have been playing table top RPG's for most of our lives about 1 year to complete one Adventure Path.

That is assuming that we do complete the Adventure Path. So far were about to complete the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path (I am running) we have been playing for about 10 months. We get together once a week for about 5 hours (would be longer, but were all adults with responsibilities)generally we chit chat for about an hour then start playing.

The problem I have with my players is not the time it takes to complete an Adventure Path. Its keeping them interested, a few of my players get board of there characters so easily and next thing they want a new campaign.

To fix that problem we alternate Adventure Paths, Example I will finish book 6 of 6 of the Hell's Vengeance. Then another player will start the Jade Regent 1 of 6 book when that is finished, we will start another Adventure Path and alternate between the two.

In our Next game, we are going over the crown of the world (Jade Regent). I am playing a Kitsune Cleric and I wanted to know if I am in my Animal Form Such as a Fox Shape or Anthropomorphic fox form. Do I get Bounes vs the cold?

These creatures are Ooze type.

Dose that mean that they can slid under closed doors and through bars?

Also the description and picture says they have a "opening a vast maw filled with teeth". Then why don't they get swallow? or any bite attacks?