
dizzyk's page

51 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Does anybody know if there's an official ruling on when the Body of the Sun spell from the Spell Compendium deals its damage? Unlike, say, Ring of Blades - which specifically says "at the beginning of your turn and also when you cast the spell" - Body of the Sun has no such clarity. I recently ruled that BotS would function like RoB, and now I've got a player up in arms. She felt that anyone who is ever 5' away from her at any point during her turn if she moves around the battlefield should be subject to the damage, which to me felt like it went against the spirit of how spells of that sort, like RoB, that are worded more clearly are supposed to function. Any thoughts/advice from anyone?

My party is wrapping up the encounter at the Twisted Branch lair and has agreed to return with a peace treaty. Did anyone's party actually do this side quest? Any interesting stories to share? Any advice on who/which governing body/etc the party would talk to in Greyhawk? (My City of Greyhawk knowledge is woefully limited.) Anyone come up with a neat way to tie this part of the story more firmly into the meta-plot? Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated.

I've done some searches here on the boards and was surprised to not find any threads on this specific topic. If they exist and I missed them, I'd also appreciate some links. Thanks, everyone~

So, I can't locate the info from Keith Baker that is supposed to be posted on the website here somewhere about placing AoW in Eberron. Can anyone help direct me? Or was the announcement in #124 premature (like, it hasn't been posted yet)?

Also, does anyone know if there's an "official" thing like that for Shackled City? I've seen lots of homebrew ideas on that topic in the messageboards, but nothing from Baker or anyone official. Will that info be included in the hardcover release, does anyone know?
