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For those who've read the rules more exhaustively than I have. I notice that the Champion Feat Deity's Domain doesn't get an extra Focus Point, which means they can cast their domain spell OR lay on hands, not both. Think that's intentional?

I know the caveat on how the pool is more a burst ability. I'm more curious than anything, since I haven't found any others like that, but I haven't had a chance to read extensively yet due to a wedding.

Check me here. I see no Arcane spell failure or nothing like it. I also see no restriction on needing to have a proficiency in armor to cast in it. As near as I can see, a wizard can cast spells in plate if he wants.

So for those of you who are familiar with all the adventure paths, and who have had a chance to look over the Bestiary for the playtest and seen what's inside, any recommendation for a 1st Edition Adventure Path to run as a second playtest? A few of us from our Saturday Pathfinder Playtest are probably going to run a second playtest on Friday and we might want to avoid the playtest adventure for spoiler reasons. Looking for a fun story that wouldn't be too hard to convert on the fly (read: the foes are already well-represented in the playtest.)

Any ideas if we wanted to go that route?

We're just spitballing at this point, so don't kill yourself coming up with the answer.