david grubbe 586's page

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I fear for a Kirk/Branigan old school paladin, just for immunity to extra-terrestrial diseases.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Do his hobbies include going out with friends to pick up power converters?

As long as he isn't mistaken for a Womp Rat...

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Haywire build generator wrote:

Damage on tiered weapons? Sounds video gamey.

I like it.

Call it full circle. Videogames were in many ways built on RPGs like D&D that came out first by sometimes a full decade.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Hold up. She started her career by putting down the Thundercat rebellions!?

If we are talking about the 'new' thundercats then she could have been in the battle forces of the series premire.

If we are talking about 'classic' thundercats, perhaps her dancing blew up thunderra.